List of Symbols
T A vertical eddy flux of
T e time scale of evaporation
T m time scale of mixing
T p duration of an emitted radar pulse
T x vertical flux of momentum in x-direction
T y vertical flux of momentum in y-direction
e azimuth angle of a cylindrical coordinate system
potential temperature
() a apparent potential temperature perturbation
()e equivalent potential temperature
() H horizontal beamwidth angle
()v virtual potential temperature
()ec equivalent potential temperature at the center of a hurricane
()es saturation equivalent potential temperature
() cv cloud virtual potential temperature
o potential temperature of a constant reference state
representative of conditions near the earth's surface
v vertical beamwidth angle
user-chosen weighting function that assures homogeneity
of the dimensions in the integral computed in the retrieval
of thermal properties of the air from Doppler radar
observations and decides the relative weight to be ascribed
to vertical and horizontal gradients in the integral
_ tV
u, = 7 az + u;
speed of movement of the leading edge of a gravity current
V 0 mean wind at the ground
along-front velocity scale
V cf cross-front velocity scale
V 2 horizontal velocity components of parcels in upper and
lower levels of a fluid, respectively
u radial velocity component
U individual wind component in x-direction
Us wind speed in the layer above a lower-tropospheric layer
in which wind speed increases with height
V terminal fall speed (>0)
"If volume
magnitude of the horizontal wind velocity component in
the azimuthal direction from a radar
VF ventilation factor
fall speed of crystal of type k
Vp volume of a rising parcel of air
VR radar radial velocity (component of velocity of target
along the beam of a radar); special case of v
wind speed at distance
from the center of a vortex