334 Chapter 15 Discrete Dynamical Systems
a single fixed point for f
. A computation shows that 0 is repelling and x
attracting if λ > 1 (and λ < 3), while the reverse is true if λ < 1. For this
reason, this type of bifurcation is known as an exchange bifurcation.
Example. Consider the family of functions f
(x) = μx + x
. When μ = 1
we have f
(0) = 0 and f
(0) = 1 so we have the possibility for a bifurcation.
The fixed points are 0 and ±
1 − μ, so we have three fixed points when μ < 1
but only one fixed point when μ ≥ 1, so a bifurcation does indeed occur as μ
passes through 1.
The only other possible bifurcation value for a one-dimensional discrete
system occurs when the derivative at the fixed (or periodic) point is equal to
−1, since at these values the fixed point may change from a sink to a source
or from a source to a sink. At all other values of the derivative, the fixed point
simply remains a sink or source and there are no other periodic orbits nearby.
Certain portions of a periodic orbit may come close to a source, but the entire
orbit cannot lie close by (see Exercise 7). In the case of derivative −1atthe
fixed point, the typical bifurcation is a period doubling bifurcation.
Example. As a simple example of this type of bifurcation, consider the family
(x) = λx near λ
=−1. There is a fixed point at 0 for all λ. When −1 <
λ < 1, 0 is an attracting fixed point and all orbits tend to 0. When |λ| > 1, 0
is repelling and all nonzero orbits tend to ±∞. When λ =−1, 0 is a neutral
fixed point and all nonzero points lie on 2-cycles. As λ passes through −1,
the type of the fixed point changes from attracting to repelling; meanwhile, a
family of 2-cycles appears.
Generally, when a period doubling bifurcation occurs, the 2-cycles do not
all exist for a single parameter value. A more typical example of this bifurcation
is provided next.
Example. Again consider f
(x) = x
+ c, this time with c near c =−3/4.
There is a fixed point at
1 − 4c
We have seen that f
) =−1 and that p
is attracting when c is slightly
larger than −3/4 and repelling when c is less than −3/4. Graphical iteration
shows that more happens as c descends through −3/4: We see the birth of
an (attracting) 2-cycle as well. This is the period doubling bifurcation. See
Figure 15.6. Indeed, one can easily solve for the period two points and check
that they are attracting (for −5/4 <c<−3/4; see Exercise 8).