322 Chapter 14 The Lorenz System
drastic changes in the eventual behavior of the orbit. Note that we must have a
similar sensitivity for the flow in
A; certain nearby solution curves in A must
also move far apart. This is the behavior we witnessed in Figure 14.2.
This should be contrasted with the behavior of points in A that lie on the
same line y =constant with −y
. As we saw previously, there are
infinitely many such points in A. Under iteration of , the successive images
of all of these points move closer together rather than separating.
Recall now that a subset of I is dense if its closure is all of I . Equivalently, a
subset of I is dense if there are points in the subset arbitrarily close to any point
whatsoever in I . Also, a periodic point for g is a point y
for which g
) = y
for some n>0. Periodic points for g correspond to periodic solutions of the
Proposition. The periodic points of g are dense in I .
Proof: As in the proof that A is an attractor in the last section, given any
subinterval J of I −{0}, we may find n so that g
maps some subinterval
⊂ J in one-to-one fashion over either (−y
,0]or [0, y
). Thus either g
contains J
, or the next iteration, g
), contains J
. In either case, the
graphs of g
or g
cross the diagonal line y = x over J
. This yields a
periodic point for g in J .
Now let us interpret this result in terms of the attractor A. We claim that
periodic points for are also dense in A. To see this, let P ∈ A and U be an
open neighborhood of P. We assume that U does not cross the line y = 0
(otherwise just choose a smaller neighborhood nearby that is disjoint from
y = 0). For small enough > 0, we construct a rectangle W ⊂ U centered at
P and having width 2 (in the x direction) and height (in the y direction).
Let W
⊂ W be a smaller square centered at P with sidelength /2. By
the transitivity result of the previous section, we may find a point Q
∈ W
such that
) = Q
∈ W
. By choosing a subset of W
if necessary, we
may assume that n>4 and furthermore that n is so large that c
< /8. It
follows that the image of
(W ) (not
)) crosses through the interior
of W nearly vertically and extends beyond its top and bottom boundaries, as
depicted in Figure 14.11. This fact uses the hyperbolicity condition.
Now consider the lines y = c in W . These lines are mapped to other such
lines in R by
. Since the vertical direction is expanded, some of the lines
must be mapped above W and some below. It follows that one such line y = c
must be mapped inside itself by
, and therefore there must be a fixed point
on this line. Since this line is contained in W , we have produced a
periodic point for in W . This proves density of periodic points in A.
In terms of the flow, a solution beginning at a periodic point of is a closed
orbit. Hence the set of points lying on closed orbits is a dense subset of
A. The