296 Combinatorics of Compositions and Words
So how can we create reduced words of length n + 1 from those of n?
Usually, when recursively constructing words we append a letter to the right
end of the word. We do the same thing here, except we have to ensure that
the resulting word is again a reduced word and that none of the patterns
in T are created. To assist with this task, we visualize the word as a path,
where the height of the path corresponds to the letter. Since we are dealing
with words (as opposed to permutations) we can append letters that have
previously occurred (indicated by lines) or new letters (indicated by circles).
To account for new letters we identify the regions above, between, and below
the lines. These regions and the lines encode the potential insertion letters
and we will call them active sites.
Now we identify for a word w ∈
(n)theallowed active sites,those
that do not create any of the patterns in T . We mark regions and lines that
are allowed by an empty circle. Obviously, this depends very much both
on the word w and the patterns T to be avoided, which seems to make it
hard to find a general recursion. For example, Figure 7.22 shows the word
121321 ∈
({1–22, 2–12}) with the allowed active sites identified. Since
121321 ends in a 1, avoidance of 1–22 does not put any restrictions on the
active sites. However, avoidance of 2–12 eliminates all previously occurring
values bigger than the last one, that is, we cannot append the letters 2 or 3.
FIGURE 7.22: Allowed active sites for 121321 ∈
({1–22, 2–12}).
Once we have identified the allowed active sites, we have to describe what
happens as the respective letter is appended. Appending a letter that has
previously occurred to w ∈
(T ) creates a word w
(T ). If
we insert a new value, that is, we choose an allowed active region, then we
have to make some adjustments to the letters in w. If the region between
i and i + 1 is chosen (for i =0,...,m), then the letter appended is i +1,
and all letters j ≥ i +1 in w get mapped to j + 1. This creates a word
(T ). Obviously, this case is only possible if m<k.Notethat
the process of creating words of length n + 1 satisfies the conditions for an
operator ϑ stated in Theorem 7.89. Figure 7.23 shows the five words created
from 121321 ∈
({1–22, 2–12}) with their allowed active sites indicated.
The allowed values were added in order from top to bottom. For example,
insertion above the top line does not require relabeling of any letters in w.
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