312 Combinatorics of Compositions and Words
the maximum part size of multiplicity m.
Similar questions were studied for Carlitz compositions. Knopfmacher and
Prodinger [119] studied asymptotics for the number of parts, occurrences of
the (subword) pattern 11 (with Carlitz compositions being those that have a
zero count of the pattern 11), largest part, and other restricted compositions.
Their results were based solely on complex analysis tools. Louchard and
Prodinger added tools from probability and derived results on the number of
parts, the last part size, and correlation between successive parts in Carlitz
compositions. They made use of the results of Bender [18] repeatedly to obtain
asymptotic distribution results. Finally, Goh and Hitczenko [73] obtained
results on the average number of distinct part sizes in Carlitz compositions.
Most recently, Mansour and Sirhan [145] have obtained generating functions
and asymptotics for the number of compositions that avoid subword patterns
of length three and longer using tools from complex analysis as well as central
and local limit theorems based on Bender’s results [18].
We present a sampling of these results in the following sections. In Sec-
tion 8.2 we give the necessary background from probability theory and derive
explicit results for some average statistics. Section 8.3 contains the necessary
background from complex analysis. In the next two sections we give a sample
of asymptotic results for compositions and Carlitz compositions and provide
outlines of the proofs of these results. Note that there are very few asymp-
totic results for words. This is simply because the generating function for
the number of words avoiding a pattern is rational, and therefore asymptotic
results are easy to come by. We will present an example in Section 8.6.
As before, our focus is on compositions and words. However, the interested
reader who wants to delve deeper into asymptotics for more general combi-
natorial enumeration is referred to the recent book of Flajolet and Sedgewick
[68]. This book contains literally hundreds of examples and is a one-stop ref-
erence for techniques for asymptotic analysis.
8.2 Tools from probability theory
Oftentimes we are interested in the value of a statistic for a “typical” com-
position. We can compute this “typical” value by assuming that we are pre-
sented with a composition that is randomly selected from all compositions of
n, making all compositions of n equally likely. Then the statistic becomes a
random quantity and we can compute its average and its variance. If we know
an explicit formula for the number of compositions for which the statistic has
a given value, then we can compute the average of the statistic over all com-
positions, or equivalently, the “typical” value of the statistic for a randomly
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