260 Combinatorics of Compositions and Words
Note that the automaton for the pattern 1312 has two types of states, those
with one and those with two loops.
As mentioned before, we can also use the program TOU
AUTO to obtain
the states of the automata for each of the permutation patterns of length
three for different values of k. Table 7.1 lists the states of the automaton
A(τ,k)whenτ ∈S
and k =3, 4. For the corresponding equivalence classes
for k =5,see[27].
TABLE 7.1: States of the automaton A(τ,k)forτ ∈S
k τ The equivalences classes in E(p, k)
3 123 ε, 1, 12, 123
132 ε, 1, 13, 132
213 ε, 2, 21, 213
231 ε, 2, 23, 231
312 ε, 3, 31, 312
321 ε, 3, 32, 321
4 123 ε, 1, 2, 12, 13, 23, 123
132 ε, 1, 2, 13, 14, 24, 132, 241
213 ε, 2, 3, 21, 23, 31, 32, 213
231 ε, 2, 3, 23, 24, 32, 34, 231
312 ε, 3, 4, 31, 41, 42, 312, 314
321 ε, 3, 4, 32, 42, 43, 321
In light of the previous examples and Table 7.1, several questions about the
structure of the automaton graphs arise:
1. From Table 7.1 we see that patterns in the same Wilf-equivalence class
can have a different number of states, which implies that the respective
graphs are not isomorphic. However, patterns that are complements of
each other, and patterns that are the reverse of each other have the
same number of states. So the questions are:
• Since w avoids τ if and only if R(w)avoidsR(τ), are the automata
A(τ,k)andA(R(τ),k) always isomorphic?
• Since w avoids τ if and only if c(w)avoidsc(τ), are the automata
A(τ,k)andA(c(τ),k) always isomorphic?
2. Since the number of paths of length n in a graph is given by the ele-
ments of the n-th power of its adjacency matrix, can we obtain exact or
asymptotic results (as n →∞) from the adjacency matrix?
3. What kind of structural results are there for families of patterns, specif-
ically the increasing patterns?
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