protein interaction may be described in one of four possible ways: strong and stable, strong
and transient, weak and stable, or weak and transient. Interactions of the weak and stable type
may at fi rst seem like an oxymoron, but often multiple weak interactions can take place simul-
taneously with a target and the combined “avidity” makes the resultant complex stable.
Of the large number of protein interactions that take place in cells, perhaps the vast major-
ity may be described as transient. Most proteins that modify other molecules do so very rapidly
and so interact only briefl y with their substrates or binding partners (i.e., enzymes). In addition,
since proteins within cells are highly compartmentalized, the affi nity of most interactions doesn ’t
have to be very great, because each potential binding partner is within short diffusion distances
and the relative concentration of molecules within these small volumes is high.
Of course, the designations of strong, weak, stable, or transient are all subjective terms. They
mainly result from the outcome of affi nity capture experiments of binding partners on insolu-
ble supports or the analytical determination of the kinetic parameters of specifi c binding inter-
actions. In general, if the affi nity constant of a protein interaction is strong enough to allow
a binding partner to be captured and purifi ed using an immobilized affi nity ligand, then the
interaction can be described as being reasonably strong. This usually correlates to an affi nity
constant of 10
/M. Conversely, interactions having affi nity constants of 10
/M are often too
weak to survive the washing steps needed to isolate the interacting protein on a solid phase
affi nity support. Quantitative measurement of the affi nity constant between interacting proteins
and the half-life of the interaction may be done using surface plasmon resonance (SPR) tech-
niques (Homola et al., 1995; Homola et al., 1999).
The vast network of protein–protein interactions that have been deciphered in recent years
has grown to include literally thousands of proteins in a sometimes-chaotic dance of complex-
ity. Using the two-hybrid method for instance, which involves the use of split transcription fac-
tor fusion proteins that allow detection of interacting proteins by activation of reporter gene
expression, many putative protein–protein interaction partners have been identifi ed in yeast
(Fields and Song, 1989; Chien et al., 1991; Criekinge and Beyaert, 1999). A map of these inter-
actions looks a lot like a picture of the myriad nodes of addresses on a vast network of com-
puters, such as the interconnections that make up the Internet (Jeong et al., 2001). Although
most of the proteins in an organism have only a few partners that interact with them, major
hubs in protein “interactomes” can have up to 10–20 links with other proteins, indicating that
these key proteins are critical players in cell vitality Figure 28.1 .
Through the growing knowledge of protein–protein interactions and their corresponding gene
sequences major interaction domains on protein surfaces are being identifi ed. These relatively
conserved amino acid sequences create structural motifs that are designed to bind with certain
targeted sequences in other proteins or molecules (Pawson and Nash, 2003; Ingham et al., 2005).
Using this information, many common binding regions on proteins can be identifi ed just through
their gene sequences.
However, it is much more diffi cult to characterize the interactions of proteins with no
known interaction domains. The traditional “lock and key ” approach to conceptualizing
binding pairs is far too simplistic to allow easy visual identifi cation of interacting surfaces on
the complex three-dimensional space making up the topography of protein molecules. Even
in those instances where protein interacting partners have been crystallized together and their
three-dimensional structures determined, it ’s obvious from the molecular models that it would
be diffi cult or impossible to identify visually the site of interaction without having such struc-
tural data in place beforehand. For this reason, experimental schemes are needed that are more
1004 28. Bioconjugation in the Study of Protein Interactions