peptide backbone and thus leaves a small part of the PIR compound attached to each peptide
fragment, minus the reporter group.
The specifi c fragmentation pattern observed at this stage distinguishes the kind of crosslink
or modifi cation that was initially formed. In this regard, a single modifi ed peptide peak plus a
reporter peak of mass m/z 828 indicates a dead-end modifi cation with no value in determining pro-
tein interactions. Alternatively, a single peptide fragment peak plus a reporter group peak of mass
m/z 711 indicates an intra-molecular crosslink made between regions of the same protein, which
also is not of interest. However, a fragmentation pattern containing two labeled peptide peaks plus
a reporter peak of mass m/z 711 indicates a successful conjugation between two protein molecules,
which may be indicative of a true protein–protein interaction. Note that alternative designs of a
PIR-type reagent containing other reporter structures, including those with a biotin handle and a
PEG spacer, will result in different reporter fragmentation mass values than those stated here.
The use of PIR compounds to study protein interactions is a signifi cant advance over the use of
standard homobifunctional crosslinkers. The unique design of the PIR reagent facilitates decon-
volution of putative protein interaction complexes through a simplifi ed mass spec analysis. The
software can ignore all irrelevant peak data and just focus analysis on the two labeled peptide
peaks, which accompany the reporter signal of appropriate mass. This greatly simplifi es the bio-
informatics of data analysis and provides defi nitive conformation of protein–protein crosslinks.
Finally, knowledge of the peptide masses that resulted from the PIR conjugation provides
information to identify the parent proteins from which they originated. Peptide mass and
sequence databases now are suffi ciently developed to provide rapid confi rmation of protein–
protein interaction partners.
The following protocol is designed for treating cells with the PIR reagent to study protein
interactions in vivo. It is based on the method of Tang et al. (2005). The use of the PIR com-
pound to treat intact cells results in the crosslinking of proteins both on the cell surface and
within the cell, which indicates that the reagent is able to cross the cell membrane.
1. Dissolve the PIR compound in dry DMSO to make a 100 mM stock solution.
2. Grow cells in media to a density of about OD
1.2 and harvest in mid-log phase.
Centrifuge cells at 3,200 rpm to pellet them and wash 3 times with ice-cold PBS (150 mM
sodium phosphate, 100 mM NaCl, pH 7.5).
3. Suspend the cells in 1 ml of PBS and add an aliquot of the dissolved PIR compound to
bring the fi nal concentration to 1 mM.
4. React at room temperature with gentle shaking for 5 minutes.
5. Quench the reaction by the addition of 50 l of 1 M Tris, pH 7.5.
6. Wash the cells 5 times by centrifugation with cold PBS to remove excess PIR reagent and
any secreted proteins.
7. Lyse the cells using a detergent lysis buffer suitable for the cell type being treated.
Centrifuge the lysate at 15,000 rpm for 40 minutes at 4°C to remove insoluble material.
Collect the supernatant and discard the pellet. At this point, the soluble protein fraction
may be analyzed by electrophoresis, if desired.
8. Remove unreacted PIR reagent and reaction by-products by gel fi ltration or dialysis.
9. Precipitate the protein with TCA to further remove any remaining salts and detergent.
Centrifuge to pellet the precipitated protein, wash the pellet with TCA, and centrifuge again.
Redissolve the washed pellet in 100 l of 100 mM NH
, pH 7.8, containing 8 M urea.
1. Homobifunctional Crosslinking Agents 1015