3 Diffusion Studies of Solids by Quasielastic Neutron Scattering 101
Let us consider an example, in order to illustrate the implications of ex-
perimental resolution in the study of dynamic structure on the basis of the
Van Hove formalism (see for instance (3.11), (3.13)). We assume, for sim-
plicity, that the scattering particle carries out a random motion described
by a superposition of several components with n different rates, λ
, λ
, ...,
. The scattering function will then be a sum of bell-shaped Lorentzians
centered at zero energy transfer (see the following sections). If this quasielas-
tic spectrum is studied with an instrument resolution ∆(ω), the resulting
resolution-broadened spectrum is again a bell-shaped curve, but with a width
larger than ∆(ω). This “quasielastic peak” will be dominated by contribu-
tions from those motions which have rates λ
∼ ∆(ω). While much slower
motions are hidden within the resolution function, much faster motions will
produce only a flat “background” which cannot be easily distinguished from
the usual constant background of the experiment. In order to be able to ex-
tract information on all relevant motional components, one needs to carry
out several measurements with properly chosen resolutions. This procedure
may in practice require the application of more than one type of spectrome-
ter. Quasielastic neutron scattering spectra obtained with one single energy
resolution only usually furnish incomplete information. The analysis may
therefore easily lead to wrong conclusions.
Since ∆(ω) is related in a simple way to the instrumental energy spreads
of incident and scattered neutrons, the observation time, ∆t, is connected
with (although not equal to) the coherence time of the incident neutron
wave packet. The principle of experimental observation time, energy and
Fourier time windows in quasielastic neutron scattering, and their relevance
for the determination of dynamic structure, and especially in problems con-
cerning diffusive atomic and molecular motions in condensed matter, has
been discussed more extensively in [16] and [18]. For further detailed liter-
ature related to the Van Hove concept and quasielastic neutron scattering
we refer to the reviews, monographs and books specially devoted to this
topic [3,14, 15, 17, 19–21].
Finally, we note a complication due to the fact that an atomic species
consists of isotopes with different scattering lengths b
... and concen-
trations c
.... Therefore the sum in (3.6) includes terms with different
scattering lengths, randomly distributed over the sites r
. This randomness
of the amplitudes destroys part of the interference. A similar effect is caused
by the spin of the nuclei and of the neutron, because the scattering length
depends on their relative orientation. This leads to scattering lengths b
and b
corresponding to parallel and anti-parallel orientation with fractions
=(I +1)/(2I +1) and c
= I/(2I + 1), respectively, where I is the
nuclear spin. If nuclei and/or neutron spins are unpolarized, this gives a ran-
dom distribution of b
and b
. Randomness destroys part of the interference
and for ideal disorder the cross section can be separated into a coherent part
with interference terms due to pairs of atoms (including the self-terms) and