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Equation (2.9) describes coherent scattering on Bravais lattices [34, 35]. The
quasielastic term with Lorentzian lineshape is, apart from a factor c(1 − c),
identical with the scattering function calculated from the self-correlation
function G
(r,t) for incoherent scattering (2.3). The purely elastic term de-
scribes Bragg scattering in directions, where the scattering vector equals the
reciprocal lattice vector G. The quasielastic term describes isotropic diffuse
scattering (note the pre-factor c(1−c) characteristic for the Laue-diffuse scat-
tering [36]). Note, that (2.9) is derived for a lattice occupied by one type of
scattering atoms only. Derivation for the case of a non-Bravais lattice with
one or more scattering atoms was achieved for the first time by Kaisermayr et
al. [35,37]. General conclusions are similar to conclusions in a Bravais lattice;
no quasielastic broadening apart from a negligible contribution from diffuse
scattering, can be expected in the Bragg reflections, irrespective if they are
of fundamental or superstructure type. If the lattice is occupied by more
than one scattering element, the different quasielastic parts are obtained by
simple summation of all elementary contributions. This prediction was exper-
imentally proven by measuring diffusion in B2 Co
using time-domain
interferometry of synchrotron radiation [37]. For the idea of the method we
refer to Baron et al. [38].
From (2.9) and from equivalent derivation for non-Bravais lattices [35,37]
the following conclusions can be drawn:
– The coherent scattering function for diffusion in crystal structures is elas-
tic in Bragg reflections of fundamental and superstructure peaks.
– In the regions between the reciprocal lattice points, the quasielastic diffuse
scattering can be observed, i.e. scattering due to lattice disorder (Laue-
diffuse scattering). The scattering function S(Q,ω)iscalculatedinthe
same way as the scattering function for the incoherent scattering, i.e., is
calculated from the self-correlation function (2.1).
– The largest intensity of the quasielastic component is in superstructure
lattice directions of the non-Bravais lattice
. It is not possible, however,
to measure quasielastic broadening at these positions since the diffuse
intensity will be completely hidden under the elastic Bragg line.
Observation of the diffuse scattering is difficult due to the very low inten-
sities, thus large detectors are necessary. Higher intensities can be measured
by scattering on samples without lattice structure, e.g. on glassy samples.
Such a glassy sample was measured by synchrotron radiation in the first
time-domain interferometry experiment of Baron et al. [38], or by Rayleigh
scattering of M¨oßbauer γ-quanta [39].
Finally a most interesting development should be mentioned: a new
method in diffusion studies is the X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy
For instance in the ordered B2 structure the largest intensity is in the [100]