2 Diffusion Studied by Interference of γ-Rays, X-Rays and Neutrons 89
(r,t) probability density to find an atom displaced by a vector r from its
starting position within a time interval t averaged over all possible
starting positions
P (r,t) probability density to find an atom on the site r at time t
Q scattering vector (QENS) or M¨oßbauer radiation wave vector (QEMS)
S(Q,ω) incoherent scattering function (QENS) or cross section for resonant
nuclear absorption (QEMS)
Γ diffusional line broadening
natural line width of the M¨oßbauer transition (Γ
≈ /τ
ϑ angle between Q and the [001] crystal axis
mean life time of the excited M¨oßbauer level
mean residence time of an atom between jumps from sublattice i
mean residence time between jumps from sublattice i to any nearest-
neighbour site of symmetry j
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