3 Diffusion Studies of Solids by Quasielastic Neutron Scattering 133
range translational diffusion process. At any given instant, the molecule is
sitting in a (possibly transient) local potential well, where it is taking part in
the external and internal molecular vibrations characterizing the system. The
calculation is greatly facilitated, if vibrational, rotational and translational
motions are assumed to be (dynamically) independent. This convolution ap-
proximation allows us to write (see [14, 15])
(Q,ω) ⊗ S
(Q,ω) ⊗ S
(Q,ω) . (3.64)
Here, S
(Q,ω) are the incoherent scattering func-
tions of the three individual types of motions, and the symbol ⊗ stands for
the convolution in energy transfer ω. The question, why this convolution
approximation can be applied, for instance, to the Grotthuß mechanism, re-
quires some discussion. The vibrational term in this convolution can usually
be replaced by a Debye-Waller factor, as long as the study is restricted to
the quasielastic region. Strictly speaking, the independence approximation
of rotational and translational motions is invalid, since the two motions are
not occurring simultaneously and independently of each other, but as a se-
quence of alternating steps. The validity of the approximation is however
recovered, if the rate of rotational steps, H
, is much higher than the rate
of translational steps, H
, because then it can be argued that the proton is
quasi-continuously participating in the rotational motion. This has been the
justification for applying the molecular diffusion model for a number of su-
perprotonic conductors exhibiting the Grotthuß mechanism [97,99,108]. The
vehicle and mixed mechanisms can also be treated with the same method,
if differences in the parameters of charged and uncharged vehicles are taken
into account.
Now let us consider the application of this approximation to the Grot-
thuß case. Under the condition that the rates differ by at least one or-
der of magnitude (a situation typical for many protonic conductors), one
can study the rotational motion “alone” in a low or medium resolution ex-
periment by choosing an intermediate energy resolution ∆(ω) such that
∆(ω) ≤ H
. This simply means that the experimental obser-
vation time ∆t (which in practice cannot be made infinite; see the related
discussion in Sect. 3.2) is larger than the build-up time of the local PDD (for
instance due to a reorientational motion), but much smaller than its time
of decay due to long-range diffusion. The EISF of the rotational motion can
then be determined from the integral of the only weakly broadened elastic
peak, whereas the rotation rate is obtained from the quasielastic line width
of the broader spectral component. Vice versa translational diffusion is stud-
ied alone in a high-resolution experiment with ∆(ω) ≤ H
because under this condition the rotational component will contribute only
a flat background to the spectrum, whereas the diffusion parameters can
be determined from the Q-dependent linewidth of the central component of