Predicted Y score In linear regression, the best prediction
of the Y scores at a particular X, based on the linear rela-
tionship summarized by the regression line; symbolized
Predictor variable The variable from which known
scores in a relationship are used to predict unknown
scores on another variable
Probability A mathematical statement indicating the
likelihood that an event will occur when a particular
population is randomly sampled; symbolized by p
Probability distribution The probability of every event
in a population, derived from the relative frequency of
every event in that population
Proportion A decimal number between 0 and 1 that
indicates a fraction of a total
Proportion of the area under the curve The proportion
of the total area beneath the normal curve at certain
scores, which represents the relative frequency of those
Proportion of variance accounted for The proportion of
the error in predicting scores that is eliminated when,
instead of using the mean of Y, we use the relationship
with the X variable to predict Y scores; the proportional
improvement in predicting Y scores thus achieved
Qualitative variable A variable that reflects a quality or
Quantitative variable A variable that reflects a quantity
or amount
Random sampling A method of selecting samples so that
all members of the population have the same chance of
being selected for a sample
Range The distance between the highest and lowest
scores in a set of data
Rank sums test The nonparametric version of the
independent-samples t-test for ranked scores when n is
greater than 20; also, the post hoc procedure performed
with the Kruskal–Wallis H test
Ratio scale A measurement scale in which each score
indicates an actual amount, there is an equal unit of
measurement, and there is a true zero
Rectangular distribution A symmetric frequency
polygon shaped like a rectangle; it has no discernible
tails because its extreme scores do not have relatively
low frequencies
Region of rejection That portion of a sampling distribu-
tion containing values considered too unlikely to occur
by chance, found in the tail or tails of the distribution
Regression line The line drawn through the long dimension
of a scatterplot that best fits the center of the scatterplot,
thereby visually summarizing the scatterplot and indicat-
ing the type of relationship that is present
Related samples Samples created by matching each par-
ticipant in one sample with a participant in the other
sample or by repeatedly measuring the same participant
under all conditions; also called dependent samples
Related-samples t-test The t-test used with data from two
related (dependent) samples
Relationship A correlation between two variables
whereby a change in one variable is accompanied by a
consistent change in the other
Relative frequency The proportion of time a score occurs
in a distribution, equal to the proportion of the total
number of scores that is made up by the score’s simple
frequency; symbolized by rel. f
Relative frequency distribution A distribution of scores,
organized to show the proportion of time each score
occurs in a set of data
Relative standing A description of a particular score
derived from a systematic evaluation of the score using
the characteristics of the sample or population in which
it occurs
Repeated-measures design A related-samples design in
which the same participants are measured repeatedly
under all conditions of an independent variable
Representative sample A sample whose characteristics
accurately reflect those of the population
Restriction of range In correlation, improper limitation
of the range of scores obtained on one or both variables,
leading to an underestimate of the strength of the rela-
tionship between the two variables
Sample A relatively small subset of a population, intended
to represent the population; a subset of the complete
group of scores found in any particular situation
Sample standard deviation The square root of the sam-
ple variance or the square root of the average squared
deviation of sample scores around the sample mean;
symbolized by
Sample statistic A number that describes a characteristic
of a sample of scores, symbolized by a letter from the
English alphabet; also called a statistic
Sample variance The average squared deviation of a
sample of scores around the sample mean; symbolized
Sampling distribution of differences between the means
A frequency distribution showing all possible differences
between two means that occur when two independent
samples of a particular size are drawn from the popula-
tion of scores described by the null hypothesis
Sampling distribution of mean differences A frequency
distribution showing all possible mean differences that
occur when the difference scores from two related sam-
ples of a particular size are drawn from the population of
difference scores described by the null hypothesis
Sampling distribution of means A frequency distribu-
tion showing all possible sample means that occur when
samples of a particular size are drawn from the raw score
population described by the null hypothesis
Sampling distribution of r A frequency distribution
showing all possible values of r that occur when samples
are drawn from a population in which is zero