430 APPENDIX C / Statistical Tables
Values of Studentized Range Statistic, q
Degrees of Freedom
Within Groups
k ⴝ Number of Means Being Compared
(degrees of freedom
in denominator
of F-ratio) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12a
From B. J. Winer, Statistical Principles in Experimental Design, McGraw-Hill, 1962; abridged from H. L. Harter, D. S. Clemm, and E. H.
Guthrie, “The probability integrals of the range and of the studentized range,” WADC Tech. Rep., 58–484, Vol. 2, 1959, Wright Air Develop-
ment Center, Table II.2, pp. 243–281. Reproduced by permission of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.