For Practice
Perform the ANOVA in Application Question 19 in Chapter 13. Confirm that your
answers match those in Appendix D.
This section describes how to perform the two-way, between-subjects ANOVA, as
described in Chapter 14. This includes Tukey’s HSD comparisons for main effects only,
descriptive statistics for the cells and main effects, and graphing. (These instructions
assume equal ns in all cells.) As an example, in Chapter 14, we tested the factors of vol-
ume of a message and gender on the dependent variable of persuasiveness. We had the
data shown in Table B.1.
Name the variables: In the Data Editor, name three variables: one for factor A
(Volume), one for factor B (Gender), and one for the dependent variable (Persuasion).
Arbitrarily assign a number to each level in each factor. Let’s use 1, 2, and 3 for soft,
medium, and loud, and 1 and 2 for male and female, respectively.
Label the output: Enter word labels for each factor as described in the independent-
samples t-test (B.6). Otherwise, the output is mind-boggling!
Enter the data: We must identify the cell in which each score belongs. In the Data
Editor, enter a participant’s level of A in the Volume column and, in the same row, enter
that participant’s level of B in the Gender column. While still in the same row, enter
that participant’s dependent score in the Persuasion column. Thus, in the male-soft cell
is the score of 9, so we enter 1 under Volume, 1 under Gender, and 9 under Persuasion.
See Screen B.17. Enter all scores from a cell together, so in the second row enter 1, 1,
and 4. In the third row, enter 1, 1, and 11. For the next cell, change only one factor.
Let’s change to medium volume. In row 4 of the Data Editor, for the first male-medium
score, enter 2 under Volume, 1 under Gender, and 8 under Persuasion, and so on. In row
10, go back to 1 for Volume, but enter 2 for Gender (females), and so on.
Select the ANOVA: On the Menu Bar, select Analyze, General Linear Model, and
Univariate. The “Univariate” box appears.
Select the variables: Move your dependent variable (Persuasion) to “Dependent
variable.” Move both factors to “Fixed Factors.”
Select the post hoc test: Click Post Hoc and, in the box that appears, move each fac-
tor, to “Post Hoc Test for.” Checkmark Tukey. Click Continue.
Select Descriptives: Click Options and, in the box that appears, checkmark Descrip-
tive Statistics. This will give the and for all levels and cells. Click Continue.s
B.8 The Two-Way, Between-Subjects ANOVA 409
A 3 ⫻ 2 Design for the
Factors of Volume and
Each column represents a
level of the volume factor;
each row represents a
level of the gender factor.
Factor A: Volume
Level A
: Level A
: Level A
Soft Medium Loud
Level B
11 13 15
Factor B:
Level B
610 8
417 4
N ⫽ 18