Chemical Methods 321
where F
is the mass flow rate of sample air, P is the reaction vessel pressure, is
the NO mixing ratio, and C is a proportionality factor (see also Ridley, 1978). This
shows that sensitivity is enhanced by increasing the sample flow, within the constraints
of practicality imposed by the need to deploy the instrument on an aircraft or balloon,
and also by minimizing the pressure so that quenching is minimized and the excited
molecules are allowed to fluoresce. Based on these design principles, Ridley &
Howlett (1974) were able to achieve a sensitivity improvement to 30 pptv for a 1 s
detection limit. Chemiluminescence instruments generally operate in a regime where the
concentration is high enough that virtually all of the NO reacts with O
within view
of the PMT. Of those that react, the fraction that become excited NO
is in the range
5–20% (depending on temperature and laboratory results adopted; see above), and of
these about one in a thousand (at most) radiate prior to collisional quenching. Thus the
signal is proportional to total flow and inversely proportional to the pressure due to the
dominance of the quenching process over fluorescence.
Optimization of a chemiluminescence instrument is also improved by modest elevation
of the reaction vessel temperature (to 30–40
C) to increase the rate of overall reaction
((7.1) and (7.2)) and also to favor the chemiluminescence branch (7.1). However, there
is no point in increasing the temperature too far as it results in too much heat transfer
to the red-sensitive PMT, which must be kept cool (e.g. using dry ice) to minimize
background dark counts within the PMT itself. Moreover background counts from the
reaction vessel also increase at elevated temperatures. Temperature- and pressure-control
of the reaction vessel, when possible, can also contribute to the stability of instrument
sensitivity. Another critical factor is the reflective property of the reaction vessel, and
gold-plating is often employed.
Ridley and Grahek (1990) describe a widely-used reaction vessel design (Figure 7.4). It
is machined from stainless steel and then highly polished and gold plated to maximize
the reflectivity and the number of photons collected from the chemiluminescent reaction.
It has a volume of 230 cm
L = 45
D =2
and is designed for operation with a sample
flow of 1000 sccm at a pressure of 5–10 torr. The reagent flow is 100–200 sccm of 3–4%
in O
, which is produced by flowing high-purity O
through a silent discharge. The
sample and reagent gases are each distributed in an annular ring at the photomultiplier
end of the reaction vessel, and they are mixed in an annular fashion as they enter the
vessel just in front of the PMT, in order to maximize the amount of light collected. With
its modest flow requirements and its small size, it is suitable for deployment on aircraft
where space savings are critical. Yet the instrument sensitivity (7 counts per second per
pptv) and detection limit (1–2 pptv at 10 s) are still quite good for most purposes.
Chemiluminescence instruments are zeroed by switching the ozone flow to a volume
just upstream of the reaction vessel to allow the NO+O
reaction and attendant chemi-
luminescence to occur upstream of the reaction vessel and out of view of the PMT. This
allows measurement of the background signal due to the PMT dark current plus a signal
due to presence of O
in the reaction vessel, likely due to wall luminescence (Ridley &
Howlett, 1974; Kley & McFarland, 1980). This background signal is subtracted from the
measure mode signal to give the signal proportional to ambient NO. A measurement
artifact is commonly observed when sampling synthetic air with no NO, a gas for which
there should be no difference between the zero and measure mode signals. However,
there generally is a small difference, and its origin is not well understood, but since it