508 Index
perfluoro-alkoxy teflon 215
perfluoropropene, C
periodically poled lithium niobate, PPLN 109
permanent gases 23, 365, 381
permeation tube standard 214
Peroxy Acetyl Nitrate, PAN 10, 23, 61, 216, 217, 365, 371,
380, 381
peroxy nitric acid (PNA), HO
10, 23, 65, 211, 215,
216, 219, 325, 329, 344, 346, 350
peroxy propyl nitrate 23, 216
Peroxy Radical Chemical Amplifier, PERCA 18, 23, 42, 60,
212, 312, 345, 353
peroxy radical Chemical Ionisation Mass Spectrometer,
perCIMS 205, 349–53
peroxy radicals, RO
11, 42, 205, 212, 255, 344–53, 476
peroxyacetic acid 339
phenol 23, 154
photochemistry field experiments 475–6
photodiode array 164
photodissociation quantum yield 2, 19, 24, 49, 203–4, 209,
407, 411
Photoelectron Resonance Capture Ionisation, PERCI 291
photofragmentation followed by chemiluminescence
detection 209
photofragmentation followed by laser-induced fluorescence
detection 210
photoionisation detector 365, 374
photolysis frequencies, intercomparison of methods 478–80
photolysis frequency 406, 408, 409, 416, 448, 455, 474
photolysis frequency, accuracy of 450–2
photolysis frequency, methods for measurement of 416
photolysis reactions, list of 407
photolytic converter 327
photolytic interference 195, 199
Photomultiplier dark current 194
PILS, see particle into liquid sampler -pinene 397, 399
pitot tube 50
pixel-to-pixel variations and corrections 157
planar chromatography 363
plate number 371
platforms, measurement of 24
polar mesospheric clouds 42
polar orbit 37
Polar Stratospheric Clouds, PSCs 299
polar vortex 4, 5, 28, 42, 137, 138, 222, 299
polarisation plate 199
policy 52
Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons, PAH 11, 23, 54, 189, 294–5,
361, 364–5, 368, 372, 382, 397, 400
polyatomic spectra, see spectra of polyatomic molecules
polycarboxylic acids 285
Polychlorinated Biphenyls, PCBs 361, 372
POPCORN campaign 27, 30, 51, 52
POPHA, see p-hydroxyphenylacetic acid
post-column reaction 395
Post Source Pulse Focussing, PSPF 275
potassium iodide, use in ozonesondes 51–2, 317
potential energy surface 190
PPN (peroxy propyl nitrate) 23, 216
precision, definition of 47
predissociation 191
pressure broadening 45, 92–3, 195
principle component analysis 292
product ions 251
programmed temperature vaporisation 61, 369–70, 383–4
propanal 252
proteins, detection of 23
proton affinity 250
proton transfer ion trap 253
Proton Transfer Mass Spectrometer, PTR-MS 249
Proton Transfer Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer,
PSCs, see Polar Stratospheric Clouds
PTR-MS, see Proton Transfer Mass Spectrometer
PTR-TOF, see Proton Transfer Time-of-Flight Mass
pulsed dye laser 201
quadrupole analyser 231
quadrupole mass spectrometer 273, 275, 276, 282,
376, 378
quadrupole transitions 76
quality assurance 46, 50
quality control 14, 18, 43, 46–7, 55, 330, 377, 378
quantum cascade (QC) laser 107, 110–11
quantum efficiency, photomultiplier 192
quantum yield, see fluorescence quantum yield;
photodissociation quantum yield
quartz diffuser 442, 446, 447, 454, 490
quartz-fibre bundle 439
quasi-square wave modulation waveform 128
quenching of fluorescence 190, 322
quenching rate coefficients 193
radiation standards 482
radiative rate constant 192
radiative-transfer model 170, 174, 416–17, 419, 434, 459,
469–71, 474–5, 479
radio-frequency radiation 45
radiosonde 32
Raman scattering 170, 202, 217, 220
Raman shifter 217
Rapid Single Particle Mass Spectrometry, RSMS 273
Rayleigh extinction coefficient 149
Rayleigh scattering 147, 149, 151, 167, 171, 193, 198, 201,
413, 415
Rayleigh transfer standard 202
reagent ions 251
receiver optics 437, 442, 444–5, 467
receiving telescope 171
reduction gas detector 61–2, 374
reference spectrum, DOAS 159
reflectron time-of-flight mass spectrometer 275
refluctance, see albedo
refocussing cold trap 370
refractory fraction of aerosol 285
Remote measurements, FTIR 134
removal of water, chromatographic sampling 368–9
resolution, mass spectrometer 236
resolving power, mass spectrometer 336
resonance fluorescence 198
resonance lamp 221
retention time 363
retention time standard 377
retention volume 367
retrieval methods 38, 39
retro-reflector 155