442 Analytical Techniques for Atmospheric Measurement
The main disadvantage of detector-array based spectrometers is the higher instru-
mental stray-light level compared to double-monochromator systems. Stray light is by
definition unwanted light that reaches a detector element from wavelengths that lie
outside the spectrometer bandpass. Stray light reaches the detector in an irregular way,
for example by random scatter from optical surfaces (mirrors, gratings etc.) and walls
inside the spectrometer. The relevance of stray light depends in particular on the spectral
distribution of the light source. In case when solar radiation is measured, stray light
is contributed mainly by the visible portion of the solar spectrum and produces a
background signal on every detector element, reducing the useful dynamic intensity-range
of a detector-array based spectrometer by about 2–3 orders of magnitude compared to
double-monochromator systems (see e.g. Bais et al., 2003). This presents a particular
problem for the measurement of the relatively low photon-fluxes found in the UV-B
region. In order to convert the measured signals into reasonable radiation data, sensitive
stray-light corrections are needed in the UV-B, which requires a thorough analysis of the
instrumental stray-light characteristics (e.g. Edwards & Monks, 2003; Kanaya et al., 2003;
Eckstein et al., 2003; Jäkel et al., 2005; Ylianttila et al., 2005).
9.4.3 Actinic-flux receiver optics
Most of the actinic-flux spectroradiometers listed in Table 9.5 use the same type of
hemispheric quartz-diffuser for sunlight collection as shown in Figure 9.19. The diffuser
is a rigid construction made of a set of concentric frosted quartz-domes, which collect
radiation from a single hemisphere and couple all received light with nearly equal
efficiency into a quartz light guide. Radiation from the opposite hemisphere is mostly
blocked by a shadow ring serving as an artificial horizon. The design of the isotropic
receiver is based on a concept that was originally developed by Junkermann et al., (1989).
It was further improved by Volz-Thomas et al. (1996) and is now being manufactured
by Meteorologie Consult GmbH (Glashütten, Germany).
The relative angular response Z
of the receiver optic must be known for the accurate
evaluation of the spectrometer measurements (see Section 9.4.4). It can be measured in
the laboratory by exposing the receiver to radiation from a point source (lamp) that is
scanned at a constant distance over different polar () and azimuth angles () relative
to the symmetry axis of the diffuser. An example of results is shown in Figure 9.20
displaying polar-angle scans at different azimuthal angles for a fixed wavelength setting.
Note that Z
is normalised to be unity at the angle of incidence =0
. The agreement of
the scans at different azimuthal angles shows that Z
can be considered to be rotationally
symmetric. In principle Z
may exhibit a weak wavelength dependence. A negligible
dependence was reported for the 300–420 nm range by Hofzumahaus et al. (1999) and
Shetter and Müller (1999), while Jäkel et al. (2005) found a dependence of up to ±4%
from 300 to 700 nm for a similar receiver.
The measured Z
curves may be compared to the response function of an ideal 2 sr
detector (solid lines in Figure 9.20). Owing to its vertical extension, the real receiver
collects some radiation from below the artificial horizon line. The limiting polar angle at
which Z
approaches zero can be estimated geometrically from the ratio of the vertical
diffuser height and the radius of the shadow ring.