288 Analytical Techniques for Atmospheric Measurement
To reliably be detected, a particle must accurately pass through the focal points of
all the lasers and absorb a sufficient amount of the desorption laser energy to generate
ions. This will not occur for all of the particles, as the particle beam is slightly divergent.
Allen et al. (2000) measured detection efficiencies ranging from 1 hit in 10
to 10
when sampling ambient particles with the ATOFMS. The scattering and absorbance of the
respective laser photons are dependent upon the composition and structure of the particle
and the laser wavelengths used. These factors can lead to several size and composition
biases in the detection efficiency (Carson et al., 1997b; Kane & Johnston, 2000; Silva &
Prather, 2000). While present in all differentially pumped instrument designs, the particle
beam focusing biases can be more pronounced with LDI than with the thermal methods,
as the laser focal points are generally smaller than the thermal vaporiser surfaces. Again,
the use of aerodynamic lenses at the beginning of the twenty-first century has helped to
mitigate these over certain size ranges (Su et al., 2004).
Many laser designs have been used for the desorption, such as ArF (193 nm) (e.g. Kane
et al., 2001), XeCl (308 nm) (e.g. Yang et al., 1996), CO
106 m (e.g. Prather et al.,
1994), N
(337 nm) (e.g. Trimborn et al., 2000) and frequency tripled or quadrupled
Nd:YAG (355 or 266 nm) (e.g. Gard et al., 1997). The choice of laser used in a particular
implementation is influenced by several factors. These include the pulse power and
duration capabilities, power consumption, cost, portability and the ionisation threshold
(minimum power flux required to generate ions). However, an individual instrument
is not normally limited to a specific laser and many groups have experimented with
multiple types. The ionisation threshold is dictated by both the wavelength of the laser
light used and the composition of the particles under analysis, as the absorption bands
and ionisation energies vary greatly between particle constituents. Generally speaking,
less laser power is needed to achieve ionisation for shorter wavelengths, as fewer photons
per molecule are needed (Thomson & Murphy, 1993). As the amount of energy absorbed
by the particle increases, a greater fraction of the constituents become desorbed and/or
ionised, and a greater amount of molecular fragmentation occurs. These phenomena
continue to increase until a second threshold is reached, whereby a plasma is formed.
The key technical parameter is the total amount of energy delivered per unit area during
a laser pulse, known as the fluence.
A potential problem with using TOF mass spectrometers with LDI is that the high-
powered vaporisation and ionisation process produces ions with a wide distribution of
initial velocities, which if unchecked, would lead to loss of resolution. The PSPF method
has been used to remedy this (e.g. Hinz et al., 1996; Murphy & Thomson, 1995), but
the favoured method for many of the instrument designs since mid-1990s is the use of
reflectrons, and m/m resolutions of the order of hundreds are typically reported (Gard
et al., 1997; Reents & Ge, 2000). The ionisation process also routinely produces many
ions of both positive and negative charges, so another common technique is to use two
mass spectrometers of opposite polarities simultaneously, so two complete mass spectra
are delivered per particle detected. This technique was introduced by Hinz et al. (1996),
applied to the original LAMPAS, and has been used in other instruments since, such
as the LAMPAS 2, ATOFMS and RSMS III. This increases the amount of composition
information gained for individual particles, vastly improving the value of the data. Laser
desorption and ionisation is not limited to TOF mass spectrometry, although it is the
most common method. Yang et al. (1996) and Parker et al. (2000) presented laser-based