Mass Spectrometric Methods for Aerosol Composition Measurements 273
quantitative data on both the size and composition of the entire aerosol ensemble, but
gives only limited data on specific particles and cannot study refractory components.
The technical aspects of these and many other examples of similar instruments will
be discussed in this section and the specific advantages of the various approaches
explored. Instruments developed at the beginning of twenty-first century that will be
referred to by name include the Aerosol Composition Mass Spectrometer (ACMS),
Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionisation Mass Spectrometer (APCI-MS), the Chapel Hill
instrument, the Laser Mass Analyzer for Particles in the Airborne State (LAMPAS), the
Particle Analysis by Laser Mass Spectrometry (PALMS), the Particle Blaster, the Rapid
Single particle Mass Spectrometry (RSMS), the Surface Ionisation Particle Beam Mass
Spectrometer (SI-PBMS), the Thermal Desorption Chemical Ionisation Mass Spectrometer
(TD-CIMS) and the Thermal Desorption Particle Beam Mass Spectrometer (TDPBMS).
Table 6.1 lists these instruments, their measurement technologies and selected publica-
tions. The list is not exhaustive, but represents a wide spectrum of the novel techniques
used. Examples of further implementations of these techniques can be found elsewhere
in the literature. (e.g. Hearn & Smith, 2004; Hunt & Petrucci, 2002; Öktem et al., 2004).
6.4.1 Mass spectrometer types
The principle of a mass spectrometer is to separate and count ions according to their
mass-to-charge ratios (m/z). A detailed discussion is given in Chapter 5, and so the
operation of a mass spectrometer is considered only briefly here. Quantitatively, m is
taken as the mass of the ion relative to the standard atomic mass (defined as one twelfth
of the rest mass of a
C atom, or 16606×10
kg) and z is the charge relative to e, the
elementary charge 1602 ×10
C. The charge of most ions detected is normally ±1e,
although multiple charging is possible, depending upon the composition of the ion and
the ionisation technique used. In this chapter, m/z is treated as being dimensionless,
although atomic mass units (amu or u), Daltons (Da) and Thompsons (Th) are used as
units for the same quantity elsewhere in the literature.
The most basic design of a mass spectrometer is the magnetic sector mass spectrometer,
which accelerates and focuses ions using electric fields and then bends their paths with trans-
verse magnetic fields. As the ions are accelerated and deflected by electric and magnetic fields
of specific strengths, their velocities and deflected trajectories are therefore dependent on
their m/z. Therefore, by using a fixed detector (such as an electrometer), the ions are filtered
according to their m/z prior to counting. This type of mass spectrometer can be scanned by
varying the electric or magnetic field strengths. While this method is generally not favoured
in current designs of aerosol mass spectrometers due to its bulk, it is capable of very high
resolutions, so is often used in other laboratory applications where mass measurements
of fractions of amu are needed, such as when identifying specific elements. An exception
is the RCMS, which has used the compact design introduced by Nier & Schlutter (1985).
Quadrupole mass spectrometers work by again accelerating the ions using electric fields
but this time, the ions are selected by passing them between four parallel rods. A voltage is
applied between the two sets of opposing rods, which consists of AC and DC components.
The ions adopt oscillating trajectories as they travel the length of the rods (see for example
Chapter 5, Figure 5.4), the magnitude of the oscillations dependent on their m/z, the AC