Chemical Methods 347
flow by N
, modulation was accomplished by employing an alternative CO addition point
200–300 ms downstream from the NO addition point used to implement the amplifier
chemistry. This allows enough time for the radical chemistry to run its course, terminating
in the formation of HONO, via reaction (7.8), before CO is introduced to enable the
recycling of OH back to HO
and also before there is enough time for a significant
fraction of the thermally labile species to dissociate. Thus the ambient peroxy radicals are
not amplified in this background mode, but in the subsequent few seconds of reaction
time, PAN and PNA decompose and the amplified signals from the resultant PA and HO
radicals contribute to the background signal, and so are removed by the modulation.
Another advantage of this approach is that the nitrogen flow is no longer needed, and
the luminol detector does not suffer shifts due to changes in gas composition, which can
make an errant contribution to the radical (modulation) signal if not carefully accounted
for (as in Cantrell et al., 1993). Hu and Stedman (1994) minimize interferences from
PAN and PNA by using a smaller reaction chamber and thereby a shorter reaction time.
Once the amplitude of the modulation signal is obtained it must be converted to
an absolute amount of NO
, using the absolute calibration of the luminol-based NO
detector. Cantrell et al. (1993) found a number of complicating factors that need to be
addressed. One is that the detector sensitivity changes due to the reagent gases. There is
a quadratic response to NO
with the high NO that is present, and this is minimized by
adjusting the luminol solution. Also, there is a dependence on CO level, as well as a signal
from any metal carbonyls that originate in the CO tank. In any event, these dependencies
necessitate calibration of the detector at more than one level of NO
and in the presence
of the different gas flows required of the modulation scheme employed in any particular
instrument, and this is done.
Once the amplitude of the modulation signal is expressed as an absolute mixing ratio
of NO
, this must be converted to the mixing ratio of ambient radicals by dividing by
the amplification factor, or chain length. The determination of the chain length has been
approached in a number of ways. Early calculations of Cantrell and co-workers indicated
chain lengths of over 1000, yet experimentally determined chain lengths were typically
smaller by an order of magnitude. Hastie et al. (1991) pointed out that the loss of radicals
to the walls could be a dominant, and underestimated, loss process, consistent with chain
lengths more typically of order 100. Additionally, they proposed a calibration procedure
using PA radicals from the thermal decomposition of PAN, with the PAN amount
being determined via gas chromatography (Chapter 8) coupled with a molybdenum
chemiluminescence instrument (Section 7.4.4). Their modeling of measured chain
lengths, using fitted values for the wall loss coefficient led to the conclusion that more
radicals are lost to the walls than via either of the terminating reactions (7.8) and (7.9).
Cantrell et al. (1993) employed the thermal decomposition of H
to produce an
arbitrary amount of radicals for calibration purposes. After measuring the magnitudes
of the signals above background, with and without the radical chemistry turned on, the
ratio of the two gives the amplification factor directly.
Another calibration method that has been used widely with chemical amplifiers
(Section 7.9.2) is the 185 nm photolysis of H
O in the presence of O
to yield equal
amounts of OH and HO
(Schultz et al., 1995). O
is also photolyzed at 185 nm, and
the concentration of O
so produced can be measured and used in combination with
the known absorption cross section of O
to determine the actinic flux at 185 nm and