112 Analytical Techniques for Atmospheric Measurement
noise considered here is the laser amplitude modulation (AM) noise that is within
the measurement bandwidth and centered on the measurement detection frequency.
This noise source is laser dependent, but is influenced by conditions of operation. For
example, laser-operating conditions where multiple lasing modes are simultaneously
present will experience intermode partitioning noise. This noise source, along with optical
feedback caused by scattering from various optical components, adds to the laser excess
noise. Solid-state lasers also exhibit frequency modulation (FM) noise, which, although
in many cases is quite small, causes amplitude noise vis-à-vis an absorption feature.
Residual amplitude modulation (RAM) is another potential noise source not considered
in Equation 2.25. This noise source, which depends on the particular laser and operating
conditions, results from the fact that the laser amplitude changes as the frequency is
scanned and/or modulated. It can also produce a large background signal, which can
totally mask absorption features of interest.
The AM noise from both the laser and detector fall off with a 1/f ‘pink noise’ frequency
dependence, which in the case of lead-salt diode lasers can plateau at frequencies as
high as 200 MHz (Werle et al. 1989) or at frequencies as low as 1 MHz (Carlisle et al.,
1989). Near-IR diode lasers also show this 1/f source dependence but roll off at different
frequencies (Hollberg et al., 1998). The shot noise, which originates from the discrete
nature of the generation of photoelectrons (Werle et al., 1989), is frequency independent
(White noise) but is proportional to the square root of the laser power incident on the
detector. The thermal noise, which arises from the Johnson noise of the detector and
preamplifier components and the inherent thermal noise of the detector, is independent
of both laser power and frequency. Hence, both the White-type shot noise and the
thermal noise are proportional to the square root of the detection bandwidth.
From the discussion above, one observes that at high enough frequencies the
spectrometer noise will no longer be dominated by the 1/f laser excess noise. In this
case, the frequency-independent thermal and shot noise contributions will determine the
SNR, and optimum quantum-limited performance is achieved whenever the shot noise is
equal to or greater than the thermal noise (Werle et al., 1989). Thus, in order to achieve
the highest measurement sensitivities with IR spectrometers employing solid-state laser
sources, the detection frequency should be as high as possible. However, additional noise
sources than those considered above typically dominate most IR spectrometers, and, as
we will see, the optimum detection frequency becomes a tradeoff between excess source
noise and the stability of the spectral background structure (Werle, 1995).
In all IR spectrometers, optical noise ultimately plays a dominant role in determining
the stability of this background structure. As in all lasers, the light from cw tunable solid-
state laser sources is highly temporally coherent, and, as a consequence, light scattering
from any optical element in the beam path may ultimately impinge on the detector along
with the primary beam. Since the detector output is responsive to all such beams, the
primary signal of interest can reside on top of an undulating background structure. In
many cases, this structure contains multiple frequencies, amplitudes, and time constants
from multiple scattering sources. In many cases, optical windows and beam splitters may
be the cause of such multiple beam paths. Every optical system contains at least one
window, and most likely several windows mounted on laser dewars, multipass absorption
cells, and detectors. Even in a perfect system with no scattering, small movements of any
optical element in the beam path will translate to small movements of the primary beam