100 Analytical Techniques for Atmospheric Measurement
measuring the change in light intensity as a function of wavelength or frequency (in
wavenumbers). The methods that will be discussed differ with respect to the means
employed in acquiring absorption spectra as well as the methods used in converting
the acquired spectra into absorber mixing ratios. However, all methods are linked by
the fundamental requirement to wavelength disperse either the source or the received
radiation. In this section, we will present an overview of the various approaches that have
been employed, with specific emphasis on the broad distinctions between approaches.
Further details on each technique will then be presented in subsequent sections. The
various applications that will be discussed are only meant to provide a broad overview
of the field and not an exhaustive review of all applications.
One can characterize IR absorption methods in two broad categories: in situ and
remote. Figures 2.8 and 2.11 further depict two different variants of in situ measurements.
In both cases, the probed sample, which is in close proximity to the IR source and
detector, captures an in situ, spatially localized snapshot of the mixing ratio for the target
gas of interest. In most cases, the probed sample is continuously drawn through an
absorption cell at reduced pressure, and this is shown by the fundamental components
depicted in Figure 2.8. This approach is designated as extractive in situ sampling and has
the advantage that one may control the sampling conditions of pressure and temperature
to optimize the measurement performance. In practice, the absorption cell is typically a
multipass cell and a number of transfer optics are required to image the IR beam into
and out of the multipass cell and onto an IR detector.
The same basic components shown in Figure 2.8 are also applicable to the second
type of in situ system: open path in situ airborne measurements. Only in this case,
the sampling cell is replaced by the open atmospheric path, one example of which is
depicted in Figure 2.11. This example is described in detail by Diskin et al. (2002) for
ambient water vapor measurements on NASA’s DC-8 aircraft. In this approach, in situ
water vapor is probed in the 28.5 m round trip open path between the laser transceiver
mounted in the aircraft cabin and a panel of retroreflecting road-sign material mounted
on the outboard engine of the DC-8 aircraft. Unlike extractive in situ measurements,
one can neither control the sampling conditions in this open path arrangement nor add
calibration standards and/or zero air (air scrubbed of the gas of interest) to the sampling
stream while in flight. Instead one must employ a calibration-calculation matrix, which
is derived in the laboratory, to calibrate the instrument for various sampling conditions
of pressure and temperature. Despite these issues, open path in situ measurements are
ideally suited for reactive and ‘sticky’ gases, where the sample does not contact inlet and
cell sampling surfaces.
The IR light source schematically depicted in Figure 2.8 is an extremely important
component of all in situ measurement systems, and one can further define two broad
categories of IR light sources. The first category includes tunable solid-state laser sources,
as well as semi-continuously tunable gas laser sources, where accidental coincidences with
the molecular absorption features of interest are exploited. The study by Nelson et al.
(2002) is one of many examples of the former. The second category utilizes broadband IR
emission from hot filaments sources, which are ultimately wavelength dispersed before or
after the sampling cell using various types of monochromators, FTIR spectrometers, or
gas correlation cells and filter wheels. Both types of IR light sources yield high temporal
resolution and have produced very important flux measurements of various trace gases.