n e o l i b e r a l af r i c a
contemporary formulations of participation, accountability and so
on serve to construct a model of sociability in which resistance to
neoliberal development policy seems far less thinkable. Although
this point might seem rather abstract, one can see real effects
of this approach to politics in the way that Poverty Reduction
Strategy Papers – which are the central platform for development
lending and policy in Africa – have been created (Gould 2005;
Nyamagusira and Rowden 2002; Whitfield 2005). We will sketch
this out below with particular attention to the implementation
of modalities of ownership, but first a brief note on the PRSP,
which – like governance and democratisation – integrates into
neoliberalism’s idealised perceptions of a market society.
Earlier in this chapter, we discussed the ways in which neo-
liberal interventions have been codified into different development
policy templates. Starting with the externally dominated SAPs and
progressing into more ‘inclusive’ (Craig and Porter 2005) PRSPs,
the templates have tended to become more explicit about the fact
that neoliberalism centrally involves changing political practices.
Here, we look at the PRSPs more closely, as these are the current
template for neoliberal development.
The PRSP framework was created by the World Bank and the
IMF in 1999, and has emerged as the key requisite for the winning
of HIPC status. It is a broad-ranging policy document that sets
out key areas of prospective reform with a set of target expendi-
tures and outcomes. PRSPs are heavily reliant on the governance
lexicon for their normative framing and they are written on the
understanding that they will shape the ways in which external
donors might allocate resources to HIPC states. It is clear that
PRSPs have allowed states to pay more attention, and allocate more
resources, to social sectors. Unlike SAPs, poverty, health, educa-
tion, HIV/AIDS and gender have been strongly foregrounded. It
is also true that the expenditure matrices that are appended to
PRSPs have set out increases in spending in these areas. In this
sense, PRSPs certainly represent an improvement on the logic of