n e o l i b e r a l af r i c a
bribery, 14
Britain, 15, 79; Conservative Party, 20,
101; monetarism use, 87;
neoliberalism practices, 116
Brohman, John, 22
budget deficits, IMF focus on, 85
Burkina Faso, 50, 116
capacity-building, 128; programmes,
101, 115
capital: accumulation, 139, 145;
controls removal, 80; flight(s), 40
Chad, 48; –Cameroon oil pipeline, 10
Chamdoma, Eva, 134
‘champions’, neoliberal, 68, 116;
clientilist, 141; within governments,
‘change agents’, 113; ‘teams’, 68
Chile, ‘Chicago Boys’, 100
China: African investment, 14;
emergence of, 145; FDI, 10
‘choiceless democracies’, 33
Chorev, N., 23
Chubais, Anatoly, 100
‘citizen-users’, 66
civil society, 91; organisations, 146
class, 1970s’ tensions, 79
clients and customers, language of, 111
‘cloistered’ neoliberal practice, Africa,
Cold War, end, 47
colonialism, 14–15; African states, 11
Comaroff, Jean, 41
‘combined and uneven development’,
commodities ‘boom’, price falls, 100,
‘common sense’, 79; claim to, 31;
political consolidation, 82
competition, notion of socially
beneficial, 66
complaints processes, 104
comprehensive development
frameworks, 45, 111
conceptual slogans, neoliberal, 34
concessional lending, conditional, 44
conditionality(ies), 8, 19, 42, 46–7, 130;
‘democratic’, 48; disciplinary use,
86; ‘displaced’, 44; ‘process’, 105
‘conduct’, 72–3, 98, 104; corrupt, 138;
‘good’, 105, 121; neoliberal, 106;
new forms of, 135
‘consensus’ agreements, 13
conspiracy theory, 28
continental–global interactions, 17
convergence, global logic of, 3
Cooper, Frederick, 9
copper, 10
corruption, 109, 139, 141; anti-, see
above; focus on, 103; ‘islands of
integrity’, 104; Lushoto, 136
cost–benefit analysis, 67
Country Policy Institutional
Assessments, 86
Crawford, G., 50
credit: access to, 111; freezing, 110; line
cutting, 23; -ratings agencies, 23;
restricted, 146; -worthiness
determination, 86
currency devaluations, 34, 46, 89–90;
IMF focus on, 32–3, 85
Dahl, Robert, 52
Dar es Salaam, 126; workshops/
seminars profusion, 125
‘dark victories’, 81
De Soto, Hernando, 122–3
debt, external, 88; ad hoc reduction,
41; bilateral write-offs, 40;
distressed regions, 38; 1980s’ crisis,
8; politics, 8; -to-export ratios, 8,
decentralisation, neoliberal, 105, 109,
126, 128, 130, 132, 135, 138, 143
Democratic Republic of Congo,
plundering of, 10, 141
democratisation, 48; -aid tying, 50;
elite weak commitments to, 51
depoliticisation, strategic aim, 24–5,
30, 55, 106–8
‘development’: alternative(s), 148; as
marketisation, 20; councillor/local
‘advocates’, 131–5; discourse, 17, 79;
‘golden’/‘social democratic’ era,
92–4; management, 103; national
statist, 46, 130; neoliberal
ideological, 37, 82; repertoire of,
78; practice, 69; sectoral
monitored, 44; World Bank
production of, 87
Dewey, John, 30–31, 70–5
‘dirtiness’, of neoliberal reform, 63–4
discipline, of populations, 24, 33