NonlinearBook10pt November 20, 2007
ii) g(−x) = −g(x) for all x ∈ R.
iii) xg(x) > 0, x ∈ R, x 6= 0.
iv) f(−x) = f(x) for all x ∈ R.
v) F (x) =
f(σ)dσ is such that F (0) = 0, F
(0) < 0, F (·) h as a single
positive zero at x = a, and F (x) → ∞ for x ≥ a as x → ∞.
Show that (2.315) has a unique, stable limit cycle.
2.15 Notes and References
The qualitative analysis of differential equations was firs t developed by Henri
Poincar´e [358–360] with furth er developments given by Birkhoff [60,61]. The
material on existence, uniqueness, and continuity of solutions with respect to
system in itial conditions of nonlinear differential equations is standard and
can be found in most textbooks on differential equations. Notable textbooks
include those by Hartman [185], Coddington and Levinson [96], Hirsch and
Smale [196], Agarwal and Lakshmikantham [4], Lefschetz [264], Nemytskii
and Stepanov [333], Hale [179], and Miller and Michel [315]. The topics on
matrix analysis are also standard and can be found in Bellman [37], Horn
and Joh nson [201,202], Lancaster and Tismenetsky [256], Gantmacher [132],
Stewart and Su n [417], and Bernstein [45]. For a thorough presentation
on advanced calculus and mathematical analysis the reader is r eferred to
Rudin [373], Royden [371], Apostol [12], Graves [139], Edwards [114], Naylor
and S ell [332], Fleming [120], Munkres [323], Hoffman [198], and Bartle
[30]. See also Halmos [182] and Luenberger [288]. Finally, the study of the
existence and absence of perio dic orbits in nonlinear dynamical systems was
fathered by Poincar´e [358–360] and further developed by Bendixson [39].
For a modern treatment of these results, see Hirsch and Smale [196], Hale
and Kocak [180], Wiggins [454], and Perko [349].