NonlinearBook10pt November 20, 2007
Problem 2.85. Show that every Cauchy sequence in a normed linear
space is bounded.
Problem 2. 86. Let X be a normed linear space with norm |||·||| : X →
R. Show th at ||| ·||| is uniformly continuous.
Problem 2.87. An inner product space is a linear vector space X with
associated field F and mapping < ·, · >: X ×X → F such that the following
axioms hold:
i) < x, x >≥ 0, x ∈ X.
ii) < x, x >= 0 if and only if x = 0.
iii) < x, αy >= α < x, y >, x, y ∈ X and α ∈ F.
iv) < x, y + z >=< x, y > + < x, z >, x, y, z ∈ X.
v) < x, y >= < y, x >, x, y ∈ X.
For ||| · ||| : X → R defined by |||x||| =< x, x >
show that ||| · ||| is a norm
on X, and hen ce, X is a normed linear space. (Hint: First show that
| < x, y > | ≤ |||x||||||y|||, where x and y belong to the inner product space.)
Problem 2.88. Let X be an inner product space (see Problem 2.87)
with in ner produ ct < ·, · >: X × X → R. Show that for each y ∈ X, the
function mapp ing x into < x, y > is uniformly continuous.
Problem 2.89. A complete inner product space (see Problem 2.87)
with norm defined by the inner product is called a Hilbert space. Discus s
the Hilbert space R
. What are the inner product and corresponding n orm?
Problem 2.90. Let f : [0, ∞) → R
. Which matrix norm (as a
spatial norm) makes L
a Hilbert space (see Problem 2.89)?
Problem 2.91. Let X = R and define T : R → R by T (x) = x −
(x) + π/2. Sh ow th at T (·) satisfies (2.128) but T has no fi xed point in
Problem 2.92. Let X be a Banach space with norm ||| · ||| : X → R,
let S be a subset of X, and let T : S → X. Suppose there exists a constant
ρ ∈ [0, 1) such th at
|||T (x) − T (y)||| ≤ ρ|||x −y|||, x, y ∈ S, (2.256)