8. Phenomenological Models
for Nonperturbative QCD Problems
As the complete calculation of many, especially dynamical, nonperturbative
problems, for example, using lattice calculations is still impossible, theoreticants
have tried to develop simple physical models for these problems. Using suit-
able assumptions and parameter choices, one then attempts to reproduce as many
properties of QCD as possible. We shall consider two such problems here: the
ground state of QCD and the quark–gluon plasma. In both cases we shall restrict
ourselves to a few remarks only.
8.1 The Ground State of QCD
Many semiphenomenological models have been developed for the QCD ground
state. We shall consider here only the so-called “Spaghetti vacuum” which is
one of the most promising candidates and has the advantage of being eas-
ily visualized. As a starting point, let us ask what the fate is of a hypothetical
monopole–antimonopole pair in a superconductor. The Meissner–Ochsenfeld
effect teaches us that the flux lines of the magnetic field cannot enter any super-
conducting region. Consequently a region of normal conduction is created in
between the pair (see Fig. 8.1).
Thus a string is created, and, since the energy density in the region of normal
conduction is larger than in the superconductivity region, the magnetic charges
are confined.
Our model system therefore shows the same properties as QCD, with mag-
netic charge and magnetic field playing the role of color charges and color
electric fields. This leads us to the dual superconductor picture, i.e., the assump-
Fig. 8.1. A magnetic mono-
pole–antimonopole (g
g) pair
creates a string of normal
conductance in a supercon-