6.1 The Drell–Yan Process 405
Fig. 6.9. The prediction of
the parton model for the
Drell–Yan process includ-
ing QCD corrections. The
data are taken from Review
of Particle Properties, Phys.
Rev. D 45 (1992)
As we have integrated over t respectively Θ the second factor is contained in the
corrections in the last bracket in (6.46). The remaining exponential factor is
indeed exp(2πα
/3) as stated in (6.46).
The appearence of this factor is a typical property of higher-order corrections
and the standard result of resummation. The same result can be obtained with the
more formal apparatus of the renormalization group equation.
To complete this chapter let us add a few brief remarks on the phenomenol-
ogy of the Drell–Yan process. As discussed in Sect. 4.2, the parton model
predicts quite simple behavior for the total cross section:
R =
2 E
> 2GeV
10/3 E
> 4GeV
11/3 E
> 10 GeV
. (6.72)
We have just discussed the K factor that describes the resummed QCD correc-
tions to this process. We sketch in Fig. 6.9 how these corrections improve the
agreement with the data. The QCD corrections increase R, i.e., the K factor is
always larger than 1. The change in the theoretical prediction for R has been
includedinFig.6.9(atΛ = 2 GeV). To obtain a truly precise prediction, QED/
radiative corrections, higher QCD corrections, mass corrections, and so on must
also be included. These increase R somewhat more, in particular for small E
Figure 6.9 shows that the parton-model predictions are in general slightly too
low while the QCD-corrected results clearly give a better description of the data.
In this comparison one must take into account that in some energy regions the
presence of resonances can induce large variations of R.
Choosing a special subgroup of the Drell–Yan processes, one can perform
a far more specific test of QCD. This has been done most successfully for 3-jet
events, which are characterized by the property that most of the energy is carried
by hadrons, leading to three narrow and clearly distinguished angular regions.
The simplest process that can lead to a 3-jet event is the gluon bremsstrahlung
whose graph is shown in Fig. 6.7. However, not all bremsstrahlung events are
identified as 3-jet events, but only those in which the angle between gluon jet
and quark jets is sufficiently large. Conversely, the graph