Probability Theory 7
experiment is performed. Many other uncertain proposi-
tions cannot be defined in terms of repeatable experiments.
An individual can be uncertain about the truth of a scien-
tific theory, a religious doctrine, or even about the
occurrence of a specific historical event when inadequate
or conflicting eyewitness accounts are involved. Using
probability as a measure of uncertainty enlarges its domain
of application to phenomena that do not meet the require-
ment of repeatability. The concomitant disadvantage is
that probability as a measure of uncertainty is subjective
and varies from one person to another.
According to one interpretation, to say that someone
has subjective probability p that a proposition is true
means that for any integers r and b with r/(r + b) < p, if that
individual is offered an opportunity to bet the same
amount on the truth of the proposition or on “red in a
single draw” from an urn containing r red and b black balls,
then he or she prefers the first bet, whereas if r/(r + b) > p,
then the second bet is preferred.
An important stimulus to modern thought about sub-
jective probability has been an attempt to understand
decision making in the face of incomplete knowledge. It is
assumed that an individual, when faced with the necessity
of making a decision that may have different consequences
depending on situations about which he or she has incom-
plete knowledge, can express personal preferences and
uncertainties in a way consistent with certain axioms of
rational behaviour. It can then be deduced that the individ-
ual has a utility function, which measures the value to him
or her of each course of action when each of the uncertain
possibilities is the true one, and a “subjective probability
distribution,” which quantitatively expresses the individu-
al’s beliefs about the uncertain situations. The individual’s
optimal decision is the one that maximizes his or her
expected utility with respect to subjective probability. The