world of statistics. To study a population with the normal
curve, one must be careful about assuming what is normal
and what is not. The statistics being reached might just
bleed off unintended inference: the bias, bigotry, political
leanings, and even those sinister intentions mentioned
earlier. On the positive side, statistics have helped pave
the way for space travel, inoculations to wipe out polio,
and even supplied sports information that helped the
Boston Red Sox win a World Series title. This last advance
(an advance depending on whom you root for, that is)
came thanks to Red Sox statistician Bill James and his
innovative view on what is important in baseball as
opposed to what people had thought was important in
baseball. On the negative side of statistics, consider a little
Nazi statistical undertaking that involved a key Polish
mathematician victim during the early 1940s.
Stefan Banach (1892–1945) founded functional analysis
and helped develop the theory of topology, vector space,
and normed linear spaces (which are now known as Banach
spaces). These ingenious discoveries were all good things
intended to help mankind and further human knowledge,
our understanding of ourselves, and make life easier for
succeeding generations. The 1920s and ’30s were good
years for Banach, but his life was destined to change quite
abruptly. From 1941 to 1944, under the Nazi occupation,
Banach was compelled to take work as a lice feeder,
thereby becoming infested. For three years he was forced
to become a virtual lice farm as the Nazis studied him,
gathering statistics on infectious diseases. This brilliant
mathematician died of lung cancer in 1945, the last years
of his life spent not as a statistical analyst but rather as
a subject. As previously mentioned, statistics can have a
seamy side or a wonderfully illuminating side. How the
stats are arrived at and how they are presented may make
all the difference. Inferences are often crucial.
7 Introduction 7