7 The Britannica Guide to Statistics and Probability 7
elections were, for the French mathematicians, formally
similar. In each, a crucial question was how to raise the
probability that a jury or an electorate would decide cor-
rectly. One element involved testimonies, a classic topic of
probability theory. In 1699 the British mathematician John
Craig used probability to vindicate the truth of scripture
and, more idiosyncratically, to forecast the end of time,
when, because of the gradual attrition of truth through
successive testimonies, the Christian religion would
become no longer probable. The Scottish philosopher
David Hume, more skeptically, argued in probabilistic but
nonmathematical language beginning in 1748 that the tes-
timonies supporting miracles were automatically suspect,
deriving as they generally did from uneducated persons,
lovers of the marvelous. Miracles, moreover, being viola-
tions of laws of nature, had such a low a priori probability
that even excellent testimony could not make them prob-
able. Condorcet also wrote on the probability of miracles,
or at least faits extraordinaires, to the end of subduing the
irrational. But he took a more sustained interest in testi-
monies at trials, proposing to weigh the credibility of the
statements of any particular witness by considering the
proportion of times that he had told the truth in the past,
and then use inverse probabilities to combine the testimo-
nies of several witnesses.
Laplace and Condorcet applied probability also to
judgments. In contrast to English juries, French juries
voted whether to convict or acquit without formal delib-
erations. The probabilists began by supposing that the
jurors were independent and that each had a probability
p greater than
of reaching a true verdict. There would
be no injustice, Condorcet argued, in exposing innocent
defendants to a risk of conviction equal to risks they vol-
untarily assume without fear, such as crossing the English