578 6 Applications
subsumed under GBE as well. Strictly speaking, all processes which trans-
form the properties of materials due to a change in grain boundary properties
and distribution, in other words, in grain microstructure — recovery, recrys-
tallization and especially grain growth — fall in this category. This is our
understanding of GBE. In particular, the essential difference between grain
microstructure obtained during grain growth under different regimes — triple
junction regime and grain boundary kinetics — indicates that there is a way
to utilize this behavior to influence microstructural evolution, which will be
referred to as grain boundary junction engineering, that utilizes junction prop-
erties for microstructure control [447]. Grain boundary junction engineering
is a new branch of GBE. The consideration given in [619] is confined to grain
growth. Grain growth affects the grain microstructure but its development
depends on the internal parameters of the sample — chemical nature of the
matrix, i.e. impurities, composition — and the characteristics of the process
— temperature, pressure, time of annealing. To generate the desired grain
microstructure is only half of the problem. It is equally important to stabilize
the formed microstructure. This issue is of special importance for ultrafine-
grained and nanocrystalline materials. To stabilize a small grain size usually
drag forces by impurities or particles are introduced. However, both methods
require a special phase and chemical composition of the material on the one
hand, and change, as a consequence, its physical and mechanical properties
(see Chapter 6). In [619] another approach is proposed, based on the essential
difference in grain microstructures formed by junction kinetics and by bound-
ary kinetics. The theoretical foundations of grain boundary junctions kinetics
and the special features of grain growth affected by boundary junctions are
considered comprehensively in Chapter 4. Here we would like to dwell on some
aspects of the problem.
As shown in Chapter 4, in the course of grain growth influenced by triple
junctions the grains with a number of sides n with n
locked and can neither grow nor shrink. The influence of such a “layer” of
locked grains on the stability of grain microstructure will be more severe for
fine-grained and nanocrystalline materials.
It is emphasized repeatedly that a limited triple junction mobility always
slows down the evolution of the grain microstructure of polycrystals, irrespec-
tive whether the topological class of the considered grain is smaller or larger
than 6. However, the finite mobility of triple junctions not only slows down
grain microstructure evolution, it changes the final distribution of the grains
of different topological classes, as well. Actually, relation (4.74) provides a way
of estimating the time dependence of the criterion Λ [447, 619]
S =
= β
· Λ ·
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