548 6 Applications Pure Metals: Growth Selection
In such experiments a single crystal is slightly deformed, for instance by
rolling. If the orientation of the single crystal does not change or decompose
during deformation, the deformed specimen still represents a single crystal
but with a stored energy of cold work in terms of the elastic energy of the
stored dislocations. After deformation, one face of the single crystal will be
subjected to an additional strong deformation, e.g. by grinding, filing or saw-
ing. Afterwards the sample is annealed in a strong temperature gradient, such
that only a small volume of the sample is heated while the remaining deformed
volume is kept at ambient temperature (Fig. 6.29). Annealing starts at the
additionally deformed end, giving rise to a high nucleation density with vir-
tually random orientation distribution. These nuclei grow upon displacement
of the hot zone and compete with one another such that the fastest growing
grains will cut off the path of the more slowly growing grains, and eventually
a single grain will dominate and cover the entire cross section of the consumed
single crystal. Obviously, this final surviving grain will be the fastest (max-
imum growth rate orientation), and the grain boundary between this grain
and the deformed single crystal possesses the highest mobility among all com-
peting grain boundaries. Of course, a single experiment might give incidental
results. However, hundreds of experiments were conducted on high purity Al
with the overwhelming result that grains with a 40
111 orientation rela-
tionship to the deformed matrix evidently grew fastest. Naturally, there is a
certain statistical distribution of fast-growing orientations. However, the fur-
ther the competing grains proceed into the consumed deformed single crystal,
the sharper the distribution of misorientation angles (Fig. 6.29).
According to such experiments, the maximum of the distribution is attained
at an angle slightly above 40
about a 111 axis. In the past, the high mobil-
ity of 40
111 boundaries was interpreted such that the 40
111 boundary
actually represented a 38.2
111 Σ7 coincidence boundary [394, 587]. Owing
to the high density of coincidence sites the boundary would segregate less so-
lute atoms than other boundaries and thus be less affected by impurity drag.
Less impurity drag is equivalent to a higher effective driving force and thus
higher growth rate. In fact, the orientation dependence of grain boundary mo-
bility measured for the individual grain boundaries proved that low Σ CSL
boundaries (special boundaries) behaved in a more mobile way than random
boundaries (non-special boundaries), and among all boundaries with low in-
dex rotation axes the Σ7 boundary moved fastest (see Chapter 3). However,
the maximum growth rate misorientation is distinctly different from the Σ7
orientation relationship, and always larger by at least 2 degrees. Thus, the
interpretation given above obviously is at variance with the results of growth
selection experiments. A more detailed analysis reveals the reason for the dis-
crepancy. The Σ7 boundary indeed moves fastest at temperatures below 430
(Fig. 6.30) while at higher temperatures the 40.5
111 boundary exhibits the
highest mobility. Given the fact that the temperature during growth selection
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