phonons was developed and applied by Richter et al. [135] and by Herman and coworkers [136].
This Gaussian-correlation model has been used to describe the sampling of the phonon dispersion,
and is widely used to model phonon confinement in nanostructures, including NWs. Enhancements
of the model are included to incorporate known-size dispersion and the effects of strain via a
Grüneisen parameter [137]. In addition, the effects of lattice strain at and near the NW surface
defects, and coupling of free carriers to longitudinal optical phonons in degenerately doped semi-
conductors may also affect the Raman line shapes and zone-center phonon energies. In all cases
reported to date, the measurements have been carried out on ensembles of NWs with varying
degrees of diameter dispersion. One of the most systematic studies of the effects of finite size on
Raman spectra in NWs was recently presented by Eklund and coworkers [138]. Though a number
of papers have been published on Raman scattering from Si and other semiconducting and oxide
NWs, a recent theoretical study of Si NWs [139] predicts the presence of Raman-active low-fre-
quency breathing modes. This prediction and an experimental confirmation of these modes may be
helpful in providing another means of characterizing the diameters of NWs. In future, as the use of
hierarchal nanostructures becomes more prevalent in nanoelectronics and nanophotonics, Raman
scattering will continue to play a unique role in the evaluation of 1-D nanostructure materials and
devices, including, for example, crystal structure and quality, interfacial strain, thermal manage-
ment, and strongly correlated electron behavior.
Since the invention of modulation doping and the higher electron mobility transistors by Stormer
et al. [140], precise control of the composition in semiconductors remains a critical component to
2-D electronic and photonic devices. In a seminal 1980 publication, Sasaki [141] pointed out that
the restriction of electronic carriers to 1-D from 2-D or 3-D would result in significantly reduced
carrier-scattering rates, owing to the reduction in the possible k-space points accessible to carriers.
In general, electronic-carrier mobility in real systems can be affected by the scattering of carriers in
a number of ways: scattering by other carriers, by surfaces, by interfacial roughness, by acoustic
phonons, optical phonons, impurities, and by plasmons. Significant theoretical and experimental
work involving electronic transport in CNTs has helped in distinguishing ballistic and diffusive
modes of transport. However, for free-standing semiconductor NWs, experimental and theoretical
consensus of carrier-scattering mechanisms that are most significant in single- and multicomponent
coaxial semiconductor NWs is less clear. In some cases, carrier mobilities in Si NW-field effect
transistors and transconductance values have been reported to exceed those associated with con-
ventional Si planar technology devices [142].
Even if the mobility of carriers in semiconductor NWs in a given device is lower than that in
the corrsponding bulk material, there are a number of other possible advantages to 1-D transistor
devices over their 2-D counterparts. With respect to electronic properties, NWs represent an impor-
tant link between bulk and molecular materials. The electronic properties of many bulk semicon-
ductors, including oxide semiconductors, are well known, and the electronic-band structures have,
in many cases, been modeled in great detail. Systematic control of NW diameter enables system-
atic investigation of the effects of dimensionality on electronic transport. In general, the diameter
below which electronic transport is significantly altered is related to the degree of confinement of
carriers and excitons, the Fermi wavelength and Coulomb interactions, although NWs with larger
diameters still possess significant surface-to-volume ratios that can affect electronic transport via
surface scattering. Semiconductor NWs, like CNTs, are currently being investigated for elements in
nanoscale spintronic devices by introducing dilute concentrations of magnetic dopants. Several
groups have reported successful doping of semiconductor NWs with manganese [143–146], using
different methods. There are numerous reports on the field emission properties of transition metal
oxide nanowires and semiconductor nanocones.
One-Dimensional Semiconductor and Oxide Nanostructures 221