researchers assume that the nanotube volume fraction is comparable to the nanotube mass fraction,
because the densities of nanotubes and polymers are similar. The power law expression for percolation
fits the conductivity data for SWNT/PS nanocomposites giving a low percolation threshold, 0.045 wt%.
Ounaies et al.
also observed percolation behavior for electrical conductivity in SWNT/polyimide
nanocomposites with a percolation threshold of 0.1 vol%. Their current–voltage measurements exhibited
nonohmic behavior, which is most likely due to a tunneling conduction mechanism. Conduction proba-
bly occurs by electron hopping between adjacent nanotubes when their separation distance is small. At
concentrations greater than the percolation threshold, conductive paths are formed through the whole
nanocomposite, because the distance between the conductive filler (nanotubes or nanotube bundles) is
small enough to allow efficient electron hopping. Ounaies et al.
developed an analytical model and
numerical simulation using high aspect ratio and rigid spherocylinders in a unit cube to mimic
SWNT/polymer nanocomposites to aid in understanding these results. The predictions from both the
analytical model and the numerical simulation were in good agreement with the experimental results.
As presented earlier, a hydrodynamic nanotube network forms upon increasing nanotube load-
ing and leads to the nonterminal rheological behavior. Similarly, a conductive nanotube network
turns polymers from insulating to conducting. Du et al.
have compared the hydrodynamic and the
conductive nanotube networks. In their SWNT/PMMA nanocomposites, the rheological percolation
threshold, 0.12 wt%, is significantly smaller than the percolation threshold for electrical conductiv-
ity, 0.39 wt%. They understand this difference in the percolation threshold in terms of the smaller
nanotube–nanotube distance required for electrical conductivity as compared to that required to
impede polymer mobility. Specifically, the proposed electron hopping mechanism requires tube–tube
distance of less than ∼5 nm, while for rheological percolation the important length scale is compa-
rable to the size of the polymer chain, which is ∼18 nm for PMMA (
M = 100 kDa). Thus, they con-
clude that a less dense nanotube network can restrict polymer motion than can conduct electricity.
Three main factors that influence the percolation threshold for the electrical conductivity are
nanotube dispersion, aspect ratio, and alignment. Barrau et al.
used palmitic acid as a surfactant
to improve the nanotube dispersion in SWNT/epoxy nanocomposites and reduced the threshold
concentration for electrical conductivity from ∼0.18 to ∼0.08 wt%. Bai and Allaoui
MWNT to alter their aspect ratios before preparing MWNT/epoxy nanocomposites and found that
the threshold concentration for electrical conductivity varied from 0.5 to ⬎4 wt% with decreasing
aspect ratio. This observation is consistent with the predictions from Balberg’s model.
As the qual-
ity of nanotube dispersion improves and the aspect ratios of nanotubes increase, lower nanotube
loadings are required to increase the electrical conductivities and these loadings are smaller than the
loading required, obtaining comparable conductivities by adding other conductive fillers, like car-
bon black and graphite.
Owing to their highly anisotropic shape the alignment of nanotubes must be considered when
studying the properties, including electrical conductivity of nanotube/polymer nanocomposites. Du
et al.
found that the electrical conductivity of a 2 wt% SWNT/PMMA nanocomposite decreased
significantly (from ~10
to ~10
S/cm) when the SWNT were highly aligned (FWHM⫽20° as
measured by x-ray scattering as described above). This decrease in electrical conductivity is the
result of fewer contacts between nanotubes when they are highly aligned as compared to having an
isotropic orientation. In contrast, Choi et al.
observed that nanotube alignment increased the con-
ductivity of a 3 wt% SWNT/epoxy nanocomposite from ~10
to ~10
S/cm. Note that nanotubes
in the SWNT/PMMA systems
were aligned by melt spinning, while they were aligned in the
by magnetic force during fabrication. Although Choi et al. did not quantify the
degree of alignment, it is reasonable to assume that SWNT are better aligned by the extensional
flow of melt fiber spinning. More recently, we found an optimal degree of nanotube alignment that
yields a maximum electrical conductivity.
The degree of nanotube alignment was varied by con-
trolling the melt fiber spinning conditions and was characterized by x-ray scattering. In all cases,
the SWNT/PMMA nanocomposites with isotropic nanotube orientation have greater electrical con-
ductivity than the nanocomposites with highly aligned nanotubes. Furthermore, at low nanotube
Nanotubes in Multifunctional Polymer Nanocomposites 191