In Golberg’s [27,31] work, the zigzag type of BNNTs is overwhelming. An NBD pattern of the sam-
ple is shown in
Figure 5.5(C), and the distribution of the NT chirality is shown in Figure 5.5(D).
Besides different tip morphologies, it is believed that the second major difference between the struc-
tures of BNNTs and CNTs is that dominant BNNT structures are zigzag tubes. Armchair and chi-
ral tubes are fewer, possibly due to the special tip configurations [35], while CNTs with zigzag,
armchair, and chiral structures are all particularly abundant.
To conclude the discussion on BNNT structure, the preferences of both their flat tips and the
achiral configurations should be stressed, which could be a characteristic of BNNTs. However, the
tips of BNNTs could also be cone-like [36], open [37], and flag-like [38]. Although pentagons or
heptagons can result in homogeneous bonding (B–B or N–N), which is energy unfavorable [2],
these multimorphology tips and the bending of BNNTs indicate the existence of these rings [31].
Different chiralities of BNNTs have been observed, and the preference of specific chirality may
depend on the growth technique employed. As pointed by Golberg [26], BNNTs grown directly
from the vapor phase frequently have armchair configuration, while those grown from laser-heat-
ing and carbon substituted methods, are zigzag-dominant type [26,39]. The formation of achiral
BNNTs, either armchair or zigzag, is probably a consequence of the so-called lip–lip interaction
during the NT growth, which induces a correlation between the chiralities of adjacent layers and
selects the growth of particular pairs of tubes [20]. It is definite that the growth method affects the
morphologies of BNNTs. In the following section, we will review the major synthesis methods
developed since the discovery of BNNTs.
The growth of BNNTs involves the formation of boron and nitrogen hexagon networks curled up to
seamless tubular forms as discussed in the previous section. This is directly related to the
rearrangement of boron and nitrogen atoms via nitriding chemical reactions. To make the rearrange-
ment possible and efficient, atomic scale boron and nitrogen clusters need to be first generated,
which requires a significant amount of energy to be supplied. Different forms of energy can be
exploited to fulfill this task, and the growth methods can then be coarsely classified according to
the types of energy supplied. In this section, we will discuss most successful growth methods
reported so far.
Pure BNNTs, like their carbon counterparts [1], were first fabricated by using arc-discharge method
[3]. Conventional arc discharge is a method in which the reactants are used as electrodes and vapor-
ized between the two electrodes by electric energy. So far, several variations of the growth tech-
nique for BNNTs have been proposed.
Figure 5.6(A) is a schematic diagram of an arc-discharge
set-up. The basic configuration of the set-up consists of a vacuum chamber, gas-flow controls, and
two electrodes with a DC power supply. Depending on the requirements of specific experiments,
the ambient condition inside the chamber can be either inert gas (e.g., helium, argon) or some reac-
tive gas, for instance, nitrogen gas in the case of growing BNNTs. During the growth, the pressure
inside the chamber is usually a few hundred torr [3,19,36–38,40–42]. The reactant materials are
compressed or shaped into rods, which are used as the electrodes. To synthesize CNTs, the elec-
trodes used are graphite rods, while for the growth of BNNTs, the situation is more complicated and
is discussed below. The voltage exerted between the electrodes is ~20 to 40 V, and a high current
up to 150 A is applied to generate the arc [3,19,36–38,40–42]. For given values of the voltage and
current, we can adjust the gap between the electrodes (i.e., cathode and anode) to sustain a stable
arc. The duration of the discharge is normally several minutes. During the discharge, the high
current can easily increase the temperature of the electrodes to ~4000 K and evaporate the elec-
trodes into clusters at atomic scale. The anode is normally the consumed electrode because a large
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