strain concentrations at the ends of closed tubes, which in turn makes it easier to perform additional
chemistry on the ends than on the sidewalls [7].
There exist many quasi-one-dimensional all-carbon structures, which are neither SWNT nor
MWNT. Composite materials reinforced with carbon or graphite fibers are often used in sporting
goods, high-performance aircraft, and other applications where high stiffness and lightweight are
required. Companies such as Hyperion sell commodity quantities of vapor-grown carbon fibers as
conductivity additives for paints and plastics. Carbon nanohorns have received a good deal of atten-
tion lately as catalyst supports, fuel cell, and battery electrodes [8]. Such materials lack the atomic
perfection of nanotubes, but are nonetheless crucially important in science and industry.
The discovery and rapid evolution of carbon nanotubes has played a major role in triggering the
explosive growth of R & D in nanotechnology. Many of the early lessons learnt carried over to rapid
developments in inorganic semiconductor nanowire science and engineering, in particular, field
effect transistor (FET)-like switching devices, and chemical and biological sensors. The nanotube
field per se has fanned out to encompass molecular electronics, multifunctional composites, flat-
panel display technology, high-strength lightweight structural materials, nanoscale metrology (mass,
heat, functional scanning probe tips, etc.), and others. In this chapter, I attempt to provide a broad-
brush introduction to the materials responsible for all this excitement. My selection of sources is per-
sonal. Apologies in advance to friends, colleagues, and others whose work I fail to mention.
This chapter is a survey of the physical properties of carbon nanotubes, with emphasis on
macroscopic assemblies of engineering interest. The important subjects of synthesis, purification,
and composite materials are covered elsewhere in this volume [3,7]. Contact is made with single-
tube properties where appropriate; an obvious issue is the extent to which properties of macroscopic
material approach those of ideal individual tubes. Materials scientists will immediately note with
dismay the paucity of information relating to defects and their influence on properties. In this
important arena theory and simulations are far ahead of experiments. Atomic-scale defects may be
at the resolution limit of high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM). Their pres-
ence can be inferred from the breakup of individual tube device characteristics into multiple quan-
tum dots defined by defect-related internal barriers [9].
We start the discussion by considering a single isolated tube. Is it a molecule? If so, we might be able
to dissolve it in order to perform high-resolution
C NMR, the method which proved that the car-
bons in C
were all equivalent, thus confirming the soccer-ball structure. So far, no true solvent for
pristine nanotubes has been found. The surfactants, or chemical functionalization, necessary to obtain
stable suspensions must perturb the intramolecular structure however slightly. Worse yet, we still lack
even minute samples consisting of a single type of nanotube, so even if we had an NMR spectrum,
it would be impossible to interpret. HRTEM is a borderline technique for resolving individual carbon
atoms 0.14 nm apart. Electron diffraction from a single tube is possible in principle. The most con-
vincing images are from scanned probe microscopy at low temperatures. The example shown in
Figure 1.2(a) has a screw axis and “handedness” like DNA, and is referred to as a chiral SWNT.
An SWNT can be envisioned as a narrow rectangular strip of nanoscale graphene “chicken wire”
with carbon atoms 0.14 nm apart at each apex, rolled up into a seamless cylinder 1–10 nm in diam-
eter and as long as several micrometers. “Graphene” refers to a monolayer of sp
-bonded carbon
atoms. Several possibilities for legal strips, those that will roll up seamlessly, are shown in
1.1. Because the length and width of legal strips are “quantized,” so too are the lengths and diame-
ters of the tubes. The short side of the rectangle becomes the tube diameter and therefore is “quan-
tized” by the requirement that the rolled-up tube must have a continuous lattice structure. Similarly,
Carbon Nanotubes: Structure and Properties 3