one should have a high N(E
) value, a prerequisite for BCS superconductivity. The obvious problem in
applying this to bulk material is the diameter dispersivity. Even in single tubes, higher order interactions
will broaden the square-root energy divergences. This has not prevented some from conjecturing T
above 400 K for nanotube superconductors. Super-current flow through an SWNT with low-resistance
contacts was reported in 1999 [94]; analogous to contact-induced magnetism, no claims were made for
bulk nanotube superconductivity. Evidence for a bulk anisotropic Meissner effect below 20 K in aligned
0.4-nm-diameter SWNT was claimed and justified by the argument that small-diameter tubes will be the
stiffest, and thus, the average phonon energy in the BCS equation will be favorable [95]. This dramatic
result has not been reproduced by other researchers since it appeared 4 years ago. As with bulk mag-
netism, it would appear that the jury is still out concerning bulk superconductivity in carbon nanotubes
and other nanostructures.
It is difficult to counter the argument that carbon is the most amazing element in the Periodic Table.
In the space of a mere 30 years, we have experienced the discovery of (or renaissance in) three mate-
rial families: graphite intercalation compounds (GICs), fullerene solids, and nanotubes. GICs pro-
vided a wealth of detailed chemical and physical information, while immediate applications were
frustrated by cost, lack of air stability, and most importantly, the lack of new or greatly improved
applications and properties. Though the foundations of physics and chemistry remain unshaken, the
Li ion battery industry has certainly benefited greatly from this store of knowledge. Fullerene solids
fared better, and may yet surprise us in the practical world; while no large volume application has
yet emerged, the elucidation of electronic properties in this highly correlated system has made
invaluable contributions to fundamental science. Nanotubes may offer the best prospects yet; money
is already being made on some small-scale applications. The combination of enhanced properties
encourages the drive to multifunctional materials, and also affords an excellent laboratory for study-
ing 1D phenomena. Extensions to other tubular and nanowire-like materials provide ample scope
for new discoveries.
The nanotube phase of my research life has been enriched by delightful interactions with numerous
students, postdocs, colleagues, and collaborators. This chapter draws heavily from the work of
recently awarded theses of Roland Lee, Zdenek Benes, Agnes Claye, Norbert Nemes, Juraj Vavro,
and Marc Llaguno, and soon to be awarded theses of Wei Zhou and Csaba Guthy. Funding from the
National Science Foundation, the Office of Naval Research, and especially the Department of
Energy are gratefully acknowledged. I am grateful as well to Linda Fischer for a most thorough
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Carbon Nanotubes: Structure and Properties 31