proportional to n
. The average number of elements n required for current to flow through the sam-
ple is equal to L/
, where L is the length of the sample and
is the mean projection of the element
length in the current direction:
depends on the distribution width and aligned fraction. Using x-ray
and Raman data as input, very good agreement is obtained between predicted and measured
for 7 and 26 T data.
How does the experimental
(300 K) compare with that of an assembly of ballistic conductors?
Assume that each metallic tube in a perfectly aligned sample is comprised of finite-length ballistic
conductors in series, the length being the mean free path
for electron–phonon backscattering. Each
tube has two transport channels corresponding to the two bands degenerate at E
. Taking
⫽ 300 nm
⫽ (area/tube)/(2G
× 300 nm) ⫽1.5 × 10
Ω cm, where G
is the conductance quantum
12.6 K Ω)
. Assuming further that tube growth is stochastic with respect to wrapping indices, only
one third of the tubes will be metallic at 300 K and so
~50 µΩ cm, roughly twice the value for
graphite. This is a surprising result because there are many factors which will increase this number
in real samples: finite distribution width of tube axes, unaligned tubes, empty volume (porosity),
junction resistance between tube segments and between ropes, incoherent intertube scattering within
a rope, and elastic scattering from tube ends, defects and impurities. These may be partially offset by
p doping of the semiconducting tubes by acid residues from purification and by atmospheric oxygen.
Pure nanotube fibers offer the prospect of even lower resistivities since they are readily aligned
during extrusion and can be further aligned by stretching. We discuss next the results of transport
measurements on the two sets of fibers described above: syringeextruded from oleum suspensions
and PVA/water mixtures.
Figures 1.17(a) and (b) show the effects of extrusion conditions and post-extrusion annealing
on the temperature-dependent resistivity of fibers extruded from anhydrous sulfuric acid, or oleum
[34]. Varying degrees of alignment were obtained from HPR93 fibers extruded using three differ-
ent combinations of SNWT concentration and orifice diameter. The texture results of these have
been discussed above. Annealing was carried out in vacuum or flowing argon at 1100°C for 24 h.
In the neat state, all three fibers exhibit low resistance with metallic temperature dependence above
200 K, as shown in Figure 1.17(a). The best alignment is obtained for HPR93B, which correlates
nicely with the lowest
(300 K) ⫽ 0.24 mΩ cm, about a factor 10 less than graphite. For all three
neat fibers, both the small values and the weak temperature dependence are due to the strong redox
doping effect of bisulfate from the acid suspension. The nondivergent low-T behavior in the neat
state can be ascribed to interparticle tunneling induced by thermal fluctuations [76].
The effect of annealing on
(T) is shown in Figure 1.17(b), which displays the results of a series
of successively higher annealing temperatures at constant time intervals. All three annealed samples
show large increases in resistivity at all T, in addition to notably steeper nonmetallic temperature
dependence. In general, annealing removes dopant molecules and the fibers become more resistive
with higher annealing temperatures. This effect is more pronounced at low T. Note that for
HPR93B, d
/dT still becomes more negative with decreasing T at our lower limit of 1.3 K, unlike
the nondivergent behavior of the neat fibers. These results suggest that removing dopant molecules
leads to localization of charge carriers within the ropes.
A similar study of fibers spun from PVA–water–surfactant [29] focused on the effect of post-
extrusion stretching while the green “gel” fiber still contained ~50% PVA. The effect on
(300 K)
is shown in
Figure 1.18 [25]. An initial decrease by a factor ~4 up to 21% stretch is followed by sat-
uration beyond ~35% stretch. Surprisingly, the x-ray-derived-distribution width is narrowing con-
tinuously over the whole range of stretching (up to 80%), suggesting that above an intermediate
degree of alignment,
(297 K) is limited by some other factor which does not improve with further
stretching. Note also that for these composite gel fibers,
(300 K) is 20 to 30 times larger than for
the neat oleum-based fibers. Here, the insulating PVA impedes long-range transport while the pres-
ence of trace p-type dopants enhances the neat conductivity of the oleum fibers.
Selected fibers were annealed in H
at 1000°C after stretching, to remove the insulating PVA
and thereby obtain more highly conducting material. This process leads to a strong reduction in
20 Nanotubes and Nanofibers