18 T.L. Lamers and B.L. Pruitt
2. Piezoelectric mic with Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) backside cavity and annular
3. Piezoelectric mic with DRIE backside cavity and continuous electrodes
4. Piezoelectric mic with KOH backside cavity and continuous electrodes
5. Piezoelectric mic with shallow cavity and annular electrodes
6. Piezoelectric mic with shallow cavity and continuous electrodes
These concepts were developed by the project technical team through consider-
ation of such factors as ease in leveraging the current FBAR process capabilities,
available in-house processing options, literature results for similar devices, and
currently successful product structures.
QFD and CS were performed after the first round of prototyping, so the team was
able to use initial test results in creating potentially viable design concepts. The con-
cepts vary in aspects of the manufacturing process, such as using DRIE versus KOH
versus RIE (Reactive Ion Etching) to create a cavity beneath the mic membrane.
The concepts also differ in physical structure through the comparison of contin-
uous versus annular electrodes. In this manner, important aspects of the physical
design layout and function as well as critical manufacturing process options are rep-
resented in the concepts. The assessment of how likely a given concept was to meet
a particular engineering spec was based upon the judgment of members of the tech-
nical team as well as initial test data and published results from other organizations.
In analyzing the outcomes of CS, it is noted that design concept 1, “Piezoelectric
mic with DRIE backside cavity and annular electrodes,” ranked first in all three of
the application areas, although it was tied for first with concept 3, “Piezoelectric
mic with DRIE backside cavity and continuous electrodes,” in the laptop and auto-
motive areas. The relative ranking of the other concepts shifted depending upon the
application. This result demonstrates that CS can be useful in distinguishing the via-
bility of concepts in different application spaces. A second, even more enlightening
result can be observed by considering the total scores the design concepts received.
The total scores varied between the application areas, as the engineering metrics
and targets changed. For example, “Sensitivity” was critical for cellular handsets
and laptops but not as important for automotive applications. All the piezoelectric
design concepts struggle to meet sensitivity targets, making the total scores gen-
erally lower in cell phone and laptop applications. The higher total scores in the
automotive application suggest the piezoelectric acoustic sensor is better suited for
automotive applications. This insight on technology fit to market is important to
recognize and utilize.
The outcomes of the QFD I and CS offer clarity regarding which design con-
cepts are most likely to succeed so that resources may be assigned commensurately.
Reviewing the scores for each design can be a worthwhile exercise for assessing
how many of the concepts have the potential to be successful. A score greater than
or equal to zero shows a fair likelihood of the concept meeting the design require-
ments, whereas a negative score shows the concept will probably fail to meet critical
design requirements. Designs with negative scores are probably not worthwhile to
pursue further or require modification to become viable to pursue.