xx Contents
8.3.3 Safety Concerns . . .................. 483
8.3.4 Training ........................ 483
8.4 IC-CompatibleMaterialsandWetEtching........... 484
8.4.1 OxideandDielectricEtching ............. 484
8.4.2 Silicon, Polysilicon, and Germanium Isotropic
Etching......................... 492
8.4.3 Standard Metal Etching . . . ............. 495
8.4.4 Photoresist Removal Techniques and Wafer
Cleaning Processes . .................. 501
8.4.5 Examples: Wet Chemical Etching of
IC-CompatibleMaterials ............... 513 Example 1: Wet Etch of
Low-TemperatureOxide ......... 514 Example 2: Wet Etch of Silicon
NitrideonSilicon............. 515 Example 3: Sacrificial Etch of
Deposited Polysilicon Under
a Structural Layer of
Stress-ControlledSiliconNitride..... 515 Example 4: Aluminum Etching
over Patterned Nitride, Oxide,
andSilicon ................ 515 Example 5: Junction Depth
Determination for an Integrated
MEMSDevice .............. 515
8.5 Nonstandard Materials and Wet Etching ............ 516
8.5.1 Nonstandard Dielectric, Semiconductor, and
MetalEtching ..................... 517
8.5.2 PlasticandPolymerEtching.............. 517
8.5.3 Examples: Wet Chemical Etching of
Nonstandard Materials ................. 570 Example 1: BCB Patterning and Etching . 570 Example 2: COC Patterning and
Solvent Bonding . ............. 579 Example3:LIGAMoldRemoval..... 579
8.6 AnisotropicSiliconEtchingandSiliconEtchStops ...... 579
8.6.1 AnisotropicEtchingofSilicon............. 581
8.6.2 Heavily Doped Silicon Etch Stops . . . ........ 582
8.6.3 Lightly Doped Silicon and Silicon–Germanium
EtchStops ....................... 589
8.6.4 Ion-ImplantedSiliconEtchStops ........... 589
8.6.5 Electrochemical Etching and Electrochemical
EtchStops ....................... 595
8.6.6 Photoassisted Silicon Etching and Etch Stops . .... 597
8.6.7 Thin-FilmEtchStops ................. 601