12 T.L. Lamers and B.L. Pruitt
be viable to carry forward through prototyping. Finally, CS was used to determine
which market or markets were a good fit for the technology.
QFD Phase I
Figure 1.3 shows where QFD fits in the overall product development effort. For the
Avago mic project, QFD Phase I was used in the Stanford University Manufacturing
Modeling Lab standard format, relating customer requirements to engineering
metrics [39]. In this format, a matrix is generated in which rows correspond to qual-
itative customer desires such as size or ease-of-use. The customer requirements are
listed in the leftmost column of the matrix, and defining the customer requirements
is the first step in QFD I. These customer needs are then rated 1, 3, or 9, where
“1” is considered somewhat important, “3” is important, and “9” represents very
important. Customer requirements and their weightings can be determined via cus-
tomer interviews, focus groups, competitive products, or sales and marketing inputs,
among other means. Brainstorming, described in the following section, can also be
used to generate aspects of QFD and CS.
Columns correspond to specific, quantitatively measured engineering metrics, for
example, linear dimension less than 1 mm. The engineering metrics are synonymous
with product or process specifications, and are listed in the top row of the matrix.
Where possible, quantitative targets that correspond to these metrics are located in
a row labeled “Technical Targets” near the bottom of the matrix.
Next, the matrix is filled out with the r elative r elationship between each customer
requirement and engineering metric in the intersecting matrix element. The weight-
ing scheme of 0, 1, 3, or 9 is used, where “0” denotes no relationship, “1” shows a
slight relationship, “3” means a significant relationship, and “9” represents a very
important relationship. The products of the customer requirement importance and
the relationship weighting between customer requirement and engineering metric
are summed over each column to generate raw scores for each engineering metric.
Each column score is then translated to a percentage of the total score, with the
highest percentage items denoting the most critical engineering metrics. The rel-
ative importance percentages for the engineering metrics provide guidance on the
appropriate amount of product development effort to be spent achieving each engi-
neering metric. For background and more detailed information on performing QFD,
see [38, 39].
The results of QFD Phase I as applied to the use of the piezoelectric microphones
in cellular handsets, laptops, and automotive sensor applications are shown in
Figs. 1.5, 1.6, and 1.7, respectively. The customer requirements and their weightings
for each application were gathered through domain research and conversations with
industry insiders. For example, each application has a customer requirement related
to size. Cellular handsets have “fits in cell phone,” laptops have a requirement of
“fits in computer bezel or speaker phone,” and automotive has “fits in engine com-
partment or body cavities.” Although size is important in all three applications, as
shown by t he size requirement having a weight of 9 in all three cases, the specifics
of the size required depend on the application. Auto engine compartments are much