11.3 Adding self-gravity and free surface 161
where the i, i +1/2andj, j +1/2 indices denote, respectively, the horizontal
and vertical position of the nodal points corresponding to the different physical
parameters (Fig. 11.4) within the staggered grid. We invert the global matrix by
a direct method for solving Poisson Eqs. (11.17), combined with linear equations
for the boundary conditions. The overall numbering of unknowns for the global
gravity potential matrix is given in Exercise 3.2 (Eq. 3.22).
The gravitational acceleration vector components are then defined at respective
Eulerian nodes (see solid and open circles in Fig. 11.4) by numerical differentiation
x (i+1/2,j)
i+1/2,j +1/2
i+1/2,j −1/2
− x
, (11.18)
y (i,j +1/2)
i+1/2,j +1/2
i−1/2,j +1/2
− y
. (11.19)
The new, locally defined gravity acceleration components g
x(i+1/2, j)
and g
y(i, j+1/2)
are then included in the right-hand side of the x-andy-Stokes equations (11.4)and
(11.5) instead of the globally defined values g
and g
, respectively.
Numerical modelling of deformation of a self-gravitating planetary body
requires computing the gravity field which changes with time in response to vari-
ations in mass distribution inside the planet. Changes in shape of the planet and
the related planetary surface deformation should also be considered. In order to
tackle these requirements, one can use a ‘spherical-Cartesian’ approach (Honda
et al., 1993; Gerya and Yuen, 2007;Linet al., 2009) that allows the computation of
self-gravitating bodies of arbitrary form on Cartesian grids including the presence
of a free surface:
(1) The body is surrounded by the weak medium (e.g. Fig. 11.5) of very low density
(≤ 1 kg/m
) and low viscosity allowing for a high (10
) viscosity contrast at the
planetary surface.
(2) The gravity field is computed by solving the Poisson equation for the gravitational
potential (Eq. (11.17)) associated with the mass (density) distribution portrayed by the
markers at each time step.
(3) While solving the momentum equation, the components of the gravitational accel-
eration vector are computed locally by numerical differentiation of the gravitational
potential (Eqs. (11.18), (11.19)) at the corresponding nodal points.
As seen in Fig. 11.5, the spontaneously formed planetary surface is numeri-
cally stable under conditions of very strong internal deformation inside the planet.
In addition, a spontaneously forming spherical/cylindrical shape of the body is
characteristic for a stable density distribution (i.e. when density increases toward
the core of the body, see final stages of Fig. 11.5). No evidence for non-spherical
Cartesian grid dependence of this stable shape was discerned (Lin et al., 2009).