196 The multigrid method
In the case of numerical solutions, this means that the discretisation scheme for the
governing equations will always be the same, independent of whether we formulate
(i) equations for unknowns x
, x
,..., x
or (ii) equations for correction to these
unknowns x
, x
or (iii) equations for correction to these corrections
, x
,..., x
or (iv) etc. Another important point to note is that for
such a hierarchical additive representation, residuals of approximated equations go
into the right-hand side of correcting equations (i.e. residuals of Eq. 14.1 go to
the right-hand side of Eq. 14.3, residuals of Eq. 14.3 go to the right-hand side of
Eq. 14.5 etc.)
How does multigrid help us? What is required to rapidly obtain a global accu-
rate solution for the steady equations (like Poisson, Stokes and incompressible
continuity equations) is that the ‘numerical information’ propagates quickly across
the entire model. During one iteration cycle, the information about updates of
unknowns propagates only to (or is felt by) neighbouring grid points. Therefore,
the finer the grid resolution, the shorter the physical distance over which infor-
mation propagates during one iteration step. Residuals with short wavelengths (in
terms of number of grid points) decay relatively fast (within a few iterations), while
residuals with longer wavelength decay much slower (Fig. 14.2). Therefore, any
increase in resolution produces even longer wavelengths in the residual distribution,
which will thus require more iterations to decay.
Multigrid resolves this problem by performing additional iterations on several
hierarchically arranged coarser grids (levels of resolution) which, therefore, prop-
agate the solution over larger distances and rapidly smooth out longer-wavelength
residuals. In this manner, residuals of all wavelengths decay with the same (small)
amount of iterations which results in a solution convergence that is independent
of the grid resolution. A typical way to program the multigrid method is to use
several grids whose resolution increases by a fixed factor (e.g. a factor 2, see
Fig. 14.3). The finest grid (Level 1) is the principal one, on which an accurate solu-
tion is obtained and the coarser grids are used to compute corrections for solutions
on finer grids (cf. Eq. (14.1)–(14.5)). The coarser grid that is one level above the
finest one will always compute corrections to the real solution, while the other grids
will typically compute corrections to corrections to the real solution, corrections
to corrections to corrections to the real solution, etc. (continue as an exercise).
The equations that are formulated on the various grids (including boundary
conditions) are identical with the exception of the right-hand side of the equations;
on coarser grids this is substituted by residuals that are interpolated (typically) from
the nearest finer grid (cf. Eq. (14.1)–(14.5)). Transport coefficients such as viscosity,
shear modulus etc. necessary to formulate the equations are also interpolated from
the finer grid. As a result, the solution obtained on the coarser grid (e.g. pressure and
velocity values) is in itself a correction (small addition) to the solution on the finer
grid. It can then be used to update the solution on the finer grid by interpolating