Notice again how linearity is at work here. Linearity is what guarantees that a linear combination
of two possible trajectories is another possible trajectory. This is what allows us to write the most
general solution as a combination of the two complex exponential solutions times constants:
x(t) = c e
+ d e
It is the fact that the initial conditions appear in this extremely simple way as the coefficients of
simple basis solutions that makes all of this work.
If you haven’t seen this before, and perhaps even if you have, this probably looks really strange.
And you might also be asking yourself, if this is equivalent to the familiar solution in terms of co-
sine and sine, what is the advantage of using these unfamiliar complex exponential. The right
answer, I think, is that once you get used to using complex exponentials, they will simplify your
life a lot. We will see this in a few minutes when we discuss damped oscillators, but the message
is really more general. We don’t have to use complex exponential. We can do everything using
cosines and sines, using a combination of trigonometry and algebra. But with complex exponen-
tials, all we need is algebra!
In fact, Euler’s formula is the connection between algebra and trigonometry! You can define
the trigonometric functions this way:
cos θ ≡
+ e
sin θ ≡
− e
Now you can derive all trigonometric identities just using algebra, and you never have to do
trigonometry again.
Uniform circular motion
One very evocative way to think about these complex solutions is in what is called “the complex
plane.” Because a complex number has two real components, its real and its imaginary part, we
can think of a complex number as a real vector in a two dimensional space in which the real part
is the x component of a two dimensional vector and the imaginary part is the y component. This
two dimensional space is the complex plane. Euler’s formula, (29), tells us that the basis solution
has real part cos ωt and imaginary part sin ωt, so its counterpart in the complex plane is the
two dimensional vector, (cos ωt, sin ωt),
= cos ωt + i sin ωt → (cos ωt, sin ωt) (36)
But this is a unit vector an angle ωt from the x axis. Thus as t increases, e
executes uniform
circular motion in the complex plane. You can see this in the ANIMATION circular motion.exe
More generally, a complex number z = x + iy can be written equivalently as a positive number
R times a complex exponential e
. Note the connection of this with the relation between Cartesian
and Polar coordinates in the complex plane.
z = x + iy = R e
→ (x, y)
⇔ (R, θ)