So suppose that you are studying oscillations in some system, and all you know about it is that
it oscillates about a point of equilibrium. Let’s call the quantity that measures the displacement
from equilibrium x, to make it look like the mass on a spring. We expect that the time evolution
of the system can be described by the solutions to some second order differential equation (like
F = m a):
x = F(x) (54)
where F is the analog of the F/m in F = m a. Because I’ve assumed that we are in equilibrium
at x = 0, it must be that
F(0) = 0 (55)
Now, assuming that F(x) is smooth, we can use the most important formula in physics — and you
can probably guess what that is — the Taylor expansion
F(x) = F(0) + xF
(0) +
(0) + ··· = xF
(0) +
(0) + ··· (56)
Then unless F
(0) is exactly zero, the first term will dominate for sufficiently small x. This is
why linearity is so important. Most functions in physics are smooth. Most of the time, there is no
particular reason for F
(0) to be zero, so it isn’t. Thus the equations of motion for most systems
are linear for sufficiently small x.
I should perhaps just note that the most important example of linearity has little to do with
classical mechanics — it is quantum mechanics itself. Just as classical sound waves or electromag-
netic waves can add together and sometimes interfere constructively and sometimes destructively,
so also the mysterious quantum matter waves that describe quantum states can be added. As far
as we know, the linearity of quantum mechanics is exact, not an approximation. At least, very
sensitive experiments have failed to find any nonlinearities.
Next time, we will discuss the consequences of time translation invariance and linearity in
detail. We will see that when the physics of a system obeys these two general principles, the
trajectories can be written in a very simple form, as sums of exponentials. But sometimes, the
exponentials will be complex — that is they will involve i =
−1. Furthermore the generality
of argument will allow us to extend this result to systems with arbitrary numbers of degrees of
freedom, with rather dramatic results.
Back to F (v) = −m Γ v
For now, let us now return to the force law that we considered at the beginning of this lecture,
F (v) = −m Γ v. What is the physics of this force law? We saw that when friction arises because
stuff gets knocked out of the way, we get a v
dependence on velocity. But this v
dependence is
not linear. When v
is sufficiently small, we might expect that this effect will become negligible
compared to other effects that give a linear dependence on velocity. Indeed, in most liquids, we get
an approximately linear dependence of the frictional force on velocity for objects that are moving
slowing enough. Then the molecules of the liquid are not so much knocked as they are gently
pushed out of the way, so that the process is very smooth and reversible. This is a good excuse
to show you one of my very favorite demos, illustrating the smoothness that one gets in a in very
viscous medium, in which the linear regime is easy to reach.