wton’s law is not right. It ignores special relativity and quantum mechanics, for example. But
in fact, our current theories of relativistic quantum mechanics are based on Lagrangians that are
really rather straightforward generalizations of those that we use to derive Newton’s law. The
Lagrangians that we use to describe the world still depend just on coordinates and their first time
derivatives. The equations of motion are thus still equations for “acceleration.” So in a certain
sense, Newton has survived the revolutions of special relativity and quantum mechanics, and the
question still remains an interesting one. I certainly don’t know the answer to this question. But I
think that it is related to a much deeper question, which may be the central mystery of the way the
universe works.
This mystery takes a bit of explaining. We have already talked about particle physics units, in
which ¯h and c are set equal to 1 because they are built into the way the universe works. If we adopt
these sensible units, then all dimensional quantities can be related. For example, we can express
everything in terms of mass. The properties of our world are primarily determined by the masses
of the electron and the proton, and a few numbers, like the fine structure constant, α =
all of the physics of the everyday world involves combinations of these basic parameters.
But one thing that is different is gravity. Gravity, you remember, is described by the gravitational
constant G, which in particle physics units is proportional to 1/m
where the Planck mass is
enormous, about 10
times the mass of the proton. G, is very very very tiny compared to any
quantity with the same units that we might construct out of the parameter that describe the rest of
our everyday world.
Why should we care about gravity? Well, aside from the fact that it keeps us from flying off
into space, there is a theoretical problem associated with gravity. It seems to be impossible to put
special relativity, quantum mechanics, and gravity together consistently, without changing the rules
in some way. This suggests that the Planck mass is the basic scale at which really interesting new
physics, some change of the rules beyond special relativity and quantum mechanics, is happening.
This is a very dicey argument, for various reasons,
but let’s assume that it is right. Then special
relativity and quantum mechanics, and with them Newton’s law, are just approximations that are
true for masses much smaller than the Planck mass.
Now the important point is this. Every dot in the Lagrangian, every derivative with respect to
time, in particle physics units, has units of mass (because a derivative is one over a distance). But
if the fundamental scale is the Planck mass, each dot should come generically with a power of
. Because m
is so huge, the terms with more than the minimum number of dots can
be ignored. They are there, but their effects are very small, and we don’t see them.
If this is right, then
F = d~p/dt is just an approximation, but it is a very good one because
gravity is so weak. The central mystery, then, is why is gravity so weak? Why is the Planck mass
so very much larger than all the other masses that we care about in physics? This seems crazy.
Where does the tiny dimensionless ratio of the proton mass to the Planck mass, about 10
or example, maybe someone will discover a clever way of doing it. People are trying. Maybe the string theorists
have already done it, but they have really changed the rules, so this would just be an example of what I am saying.
Or maybe the rules change again well before the Planck scale, and gravity emerges in some complicated way from
physics at smaller masses. There are also some interesting ideas of this sort on the market today.