PART VII High Resolution Ground Mapping and Imaging
As required for the FFT, the filters are formed at the end
of the integration period, i.e., after the radar has traversed
an entire array length. The outputs of each bank of filters
represent the returns from a single column of resolution
cells at the same range—the range of the range bin for
which the bank was formed (Fig. 23). The outputs of all of
the filter banks, therefore, can be transferred as a block, in
parallel, directly to the appropriate positions in the display
memory. The radar, meanwhile, has traversed another array
length thereby accumulating the data needed to form the
next set of filter banks, and the process is repeated.
Incidentally, as illustrated in the panel on the facing page,
the focusing and azimuth compression process just
described is strikingly similar to the stretch-radar deramping
and range compression process for decoding chirp pulses.
Reduction in Arithmetic Operations Achieved. Having
gained (hopefully) a clear picture of the doppler-filtering
method of azimuth compression, let’s see what kind of sav-
ing in arithmetic operations it actually provides. To simplify
the comparison, we’ll assume that no presumming is done
by either processor.
In the doppler processor, phase rotation takes place at
two points: (1) when the return is focused, and (2) when
the doppler filtering is done. For focusing, only one phase
rotation per pulse is required for each range bin. As was
explained in Chap. 20, in a large filter bank the number of
phase rotations required to form a filter bank with the FFT
is 0.5N log
N, where N is the number of pulses integrated.
The total number of phase rotations per range bin for paral-
lel processing, then, is N + 0.5N log
N. For line-by-line
processing, as we just saw, the number of phase rotations
per pulse per range gate is N
Processing Phase Rotations
Line-by-line N
Parallel (doppler) N(1 + 0.5 log
To get a feel for the relative sizes of the numbers
involved, let’s take as an example a synthetic array having
1024 elements. With line-by-line processing a total of 1024
x 1024 = 1,048,576 phase rotations would be required.
With parallel processing, only 1024 + 512 log
1024 =
6,144 would be required. The number of additions and
subtractions would similarly be reduced. Thus, by employ-
ing parallel processing the computing load would be
reduced by a factor of roughly 170!
Correspondence to Conventional Array Concepts.
Superficially, doppler processing may seem like a funda-
23. The outputs of each filter bank represent the return from a sin-
gle column of range/azimuth resolution cells.
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