Pulse Width. This is the duration of the pulses (Fig. 6).
It is commonly represented by the lower case Greek letter,
τ. Pulse widths may range anywhere from a fraction of a
microsecond to several milliseconds.
Pulse width may also be expressed in terms of physical
length. That is, the distance, at any one instant, between
the leading and trailing edges of a pulse as it travels
through space. The length, L, of a pulse is equal to the
pulse width, τ, times the speed of the waves. That speed is
very nearly 1000 x 10
feet per second. Consequently, the
physical length of a pulse (Fig. 7) is roughly 1000 feet per
microsecond of pulse width.
Pulse length = 1000 τ feet
where τ is the pulse width in microseconds.
Pulse length is of keen interest. For—without some sort
of modulation within the pulse—it determines the ability of
a radar to resolve (separate) closely spaced targets in range.
The shorter the pulses (if not modulated for compression),
the better the range resolution will be.
For a radar to resolve two targets in range with an
unmodulated pulse, their range separation must be such
that the trailing edge of the transmitted pulse will have
passed the near target before the leading edge of the echo
from the far target reaches the near target (Fig. 8). To satisfy
this condition the range separation must be greater than
half the pulse length.
As a measure of range resolution, therefore, radar design-
ers have adopted a unit of pulse length, called the radar
foot, which is twice the length of the conventional foot. The
length of a 1-microsecond pulse is 500 radar feet, as
opposed to 1000 conventional feet.
Pulse length = 500 τ radar feet
As pulse length is decreased, the amount of energy con-
tained in the individual pulses decreases. A point is ulti-
mately reached where no further decrease in energy, hence
in pulse width, is acceptable. Seemingly, this limitation puts
a limit on the resolution a radar may achieve. That is not so.
Intrapulse Modulation. The limitation which minimum-
pulse-length requirements impose on range resolution can
be circumvented by coding successive increments of the
transmitted pulse with phase or frequency modulation
(Fig. 9). Each target echo will, of course, be similarly
coded. By decoding the modulation when the echo is
received and progressively delaying successive increments,
the radar can, in effect, superimpose one increment on top
CHAPTER 9 Pulsed Operation
6. RF pulse as seen on oscilloscope. Pulse width is the duration
of the pulse.
7. Pulse length is distance from leading to trailing edge of pulse
as it travels through space.
8. To resolve two targets A and B, with an unmodulated pulse of
length L, their separation (AB) must be greater than L/2.
9. If successive segments of transmitted pulse are coded with
intrapulse modulation, same resolution may be obtained as
with a pulse the width of a single segment.
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